August 29, 2024

Featured Presentation

The Deputy Director of Economic Development for the City of Las Cruces, Chris Faivre, explained the GRT question that you will see on your ballot. In essence, we ask a lot of city government, and this small increase in GRT would help pay for those benefits and services. You can learn all about it by checking out the flyer below.

Good news for animals

Diane Starbuck-Ribaudo reported that the City is collaborating with Animal Advocates for Change on a new animal welfare ordinance. They hope to have it approved by the end of the year, and they hope it includes a mandatory, phased in, fully funded spay & neuter program (with exceptions). 

For more information, email Diane.

Want to help re-elect Rep. Nathan Small? 

Sasha Lujan is the field director for Rep. Nathan Smallā€™s campaign. She reminded us of all the good things that Nathan has done and is doing, especially related to climate change. Hereā€™s a link to Nathanā€™s campaign website. If youā€™d like to volunteer, let Sasha know!

For more information, email Sasha.

Fernando Macias seeks our support for District Attorneyā€‹ā€‹

Fernando Macias, the Democratic candidate for District Attorney, asked for our support and our vote in the upcoming general election. Fernando also called our attention to two key House of Representative races in DoƱa Ana County, where he urged us to support and contribute to Nathan Small and Sarah Silva, both of whom are running in closely contested districts. 

For more information, email Fernando.

Equitable Disclosure

County Assessor Eugenia (Gina) Montoya Ortega explained that there will be a bill in the 2025 legislature having to do with fairness in the valuation of property for property taxes in NM. NM is one of thirteen states that allows partial valuation. This means that the sales price of real property is not available through the public record. In addition, residential property owners currently provide sale transfer affidavits when they buy or sell their home, but businesses like Walmart, Bank of America, Facebook, and Amazon are not held to the same standard. The disproportionate share of critical county services like waste and water, fire and public safety, and roads are paid by homeowners. This makes buying a new home more expensive. You can read more about this issue here and here

For more information, contact Gina.

Academy for Learning in Retirement

William Baader reminded us about an excellent series of presentations, called the Academy for Learning in Retirement. There will be a total of 16 presentations throughout the NMSU/DACC fall semester. Presentations are offered in person at the DACC East Mesa Campus (2800 N. Sonoma Ranch) Auditorium. The classes can also be viewed via Zoom, but you will miss out on coffee and cookies, if you do it that way. The ALR charges $5 per presentation. The first series of presentations is on the topic of A.I., Cybersecurity, Block Chains, and Us. You can check out the upcoming presentations here. If you attend in person, the Coffee and Cookies Social is in the Student Resources Building common area from 9:45-10:15. The presentations are in the Auditorium from 10:30-12:00.

For more information, email William.

Sarah Silva, running for NM House District 53

Sarah Silva joyfully announced that she is the Democratic candidate for NM House, District 53. You can read all about the selection process here. Sarah just launched her campaign website, which reminds us that Sarah is a community organizer. ā€œI want to organize the legislature!ā€ she said. Sarah has a short window before early voting starts in October, so she welcomes volunteers and donations

For more information, email Sarah.

News from Peter

Peter Goodman was pleased with the outcome of the lawsuit against the city, in which he represented a Las Cruces resident. You can read all about it here

Peter said KTAL, Las Cruces Community Radio (101.5 FM or online) will be hosting candidate forums on Speak Up, Las Cruces. The station is also interested in doing a local sports show – do you know someone who would be perfect to host such a show? Let Peter know!

For more information, email Peter.

That PNM rate increase seems like a lot!

Rocky Bacchus said that customers of New Mexicoā€™s largest electric utility, PNM, may see a 23% rate increase. You can read more about it here. He also gave an update about the ā€œSolar for Allā€ program, saying that grant applications should be available early next year. 

For more information, email Rocky.

EPE fuel charge going up (a little)

Allen Downs explained that the freezing weather in February 2021 will affect the fuel charge on our El Paso Electric bills. In February 2021, some Palo Verde energy was sold to New Mexico rate payers at a proxy price based on the cost of natural gas which skyrocketed during the cold snap in the middle of that February. EPE calculated that we owed them an extra 5.7 million dollars. Despite intervenors arguing that EPE should have used local generation or purchased power (energy purchased from other utilities), the Public Regulation Commission has decided that EPE can collect the charges, spreading them over the next year. The increase in your September bill will be less than one-quarter of a cent per kWh, or about $1.50 for the average residential customer. The increase will continue through August 2025. 

For more information, email Allen.

County Commissioner Manny Sanchez, running for re-election

Manny Sanchez told us he has a write-in opponent. ā€œIf you live in District 5, I would really appreciate it if you fill in my bubble!ā€ Manny also told us about the new EV chargers: 

  • 855 Anthony Dr., Anthony, NM ā€“ Sheriffā€™s Office – NMDOT DC Fast Charging (DCFC) station.
  • 115  Franklin St., Hatch, NM ā€“ Village of Hatch Admin Office – NMDOT DCFC station.
  • 845 N. Motel Blvd., Las Cruces, NM ā€“ Government Center – NMDOT DCFC station.

Click here to visit Mannyā€™s campaign website. 

For more information, email Manny.

Your input is needed

City Councilor Becky Corran spoke about the five new electric transit buses – the City hopes to have the entire Roadrunner Transit fully electric within two years. She also announced a press conference about Memorial Medical Center which happened on Friday, August 30. You can view the press conference here. Finally, she said the City is hosting multiple opportunities to inform the public about the proposed changes to the Development Code: Realize Las Cruces.

Realize Las Cruces Public Comment
September 10, 2024, at 1:30 PM ā€“ 4:00 PM
East Mesa Public Safety Complex, Main Conference Room
550 N Sonoma Ranch Blvd., Las Cruces, NM 88011

September 11, 2024, at 9:00 AM ā€“ 12:00 PM
City Hall Lerdo Room (2007B)
700 N Main Street, Las Cruces, NM 88001

September 12, 2024, at 2:00 PM ā€“ 5:00 PM
Benavidez Community Center
1045 McClure Rd., Las Cruces, NM 88005

For more information, email Becky

Downwinders make their presence known!

Mary Martinez White reported that the Downwinders Consortium conducted a very successful and nationally reported protest outside the Farm and Ranch Museum where U.S. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson appeared at a rally in support of Republican CD2 candidate Yvette Herrell.  The purpose of the protest was to continue to seek recognition and compensation for New Mexico victims of radiation poisoning from the Trinity bomb in 1945. Mary indicated that Congressman Gabe Vasquez has been very supportive of their efforts, with Republican CD2 candidate much less so. Mary and her coalition members will be traveling with the Navajo Nation to Washington D.C. in late September for a peaceful protest.

For more information, email Mary.

Discover the power and pleasures from being on Charlotteā€™s List

Mary Beth Hulsey urged any of us who are not currently on Charlotte Lipsonā€™s email list to email Charlotte to sign up and begin receiving a remarkably well curated mix of emails with national and local news and announcements, keeping Las Cruces progressives well-informed about whatā€™s going on. To sign up, email Charlotte at and ask her to put you on the list!

For more information, email Mary Beth.

Carrie Hamblen seeks re-election in Senate District 38

Connie Chapman reminded us that itā€™s time to re-elect Carrie Hamblen in Senate District 38! If you live in Carrieā€™s district and would like a yard sign, or if you want to be included in Carrieā€™s campaign e-blasts, please contact Connie.

Turnout will make all the difference

Pointing to the key role voter turnout will play in the upcoming election, Gayle Eads urged us to talk with our friends and families, offer to take people to the polls, participate in post card writing initiatives and do everything else possible to get people out to vote.  

For more information, email Gayle.  

Keeping the faith on separation of church and state, plus postcards!

Jim Hoerst is continuing to speak regularly at city council and county commission meetings on the importance of maintaining a separation of church and state in all governmental activities.  He would welcome anyone who would like to join him on that effort. Jim is also part of an initiative by the Federation of Democratic Women of DoƱa Ana County to send postcards to voters with QR codes that link them to the section of Secretary of Stateā€™s website where voters can request absentee ballots ā€“ a project based on evidence that once a voter has requested an absentee ballot, thereā€™s a high probability that they will return it.   

If you would like to get involved, email Jim.

Parkinsonā€™s Support Group providing great information and services

Lynn Austin shared information with us about an on-going Parkinsonā€™s Support Group that has great resources, classes and other activities for those living with Parkinsonā€™s and their caregivers.  

For more information, email Lynn.

A warning about about usage of water contaminated by oil drilling

Steve Fischmann urged us to be aware of the dangers of ā€œproduced waterā€ (see here, here, and here) which is a by-product of oil and gas drilling in New Mexico. Rulemaking for legally permitted uses of that water, which contains both forever chemicals and radioactive materials, is going on now, so Steve urged us to make sure our legislators are aware of this and will protect the health and safety of the people they serve.  

For more information, email Steve

Rosenda Chavez-Lara thanks Democrats and schedules Free Legal Clinic

Rosenda Chavez-Lara thanked Central Committee members of the Democratic Party of DoƱa Ana County for selecting her to be the Democratic nominee for Magistrate Court, Division III, and she seeks our support and vote in the general election. Rosenda is already hard at work serving county residents, helping coordinate a free legal clinic from 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday, September 21 at the sports complex in Sunland Park, 4700 McNutt Road.  

For more information, email Rosenda.

How about writing a few postcards to make sure Gabeā€™s voters turn out?

Shirley Davis invited us to join her and many others in the BlueCD2 PAC who are writing 25 or 50 postcards each to potential Gabe Vasquez voters, writing one set in September and the other in October, urging them to vote for Gabe for Congress. Itā€™s easy and a proven way to be effective in close elections!

To participate or for more information, email Shirley.

Knocking Doors for Gabe Vasquez in CD2

Claire Neal-Wallace, Deputy Organizing Director of the Gabe Vasquez for Congress campaign, invited us to join the campaign Knocking Doors for Gabe Vasquez every Saturday at 9 am and Sunday at 12 pm, persuading and turning out people to vote for Gabe Vasquez for Congress!  

To get signed up, contact Claire at 505-916-2160 or

Representative Joanne Ferrary urges us to support Sarah Silva in HD53

Representative Ferrary, who knows a great potential legislator when she sees one, urged us to support Sarah Silva for state representative in District 53. Joanne also noted that she (Joanne) is chair of the House Radioactive and Hazardous Materials Committee, and that the committee will be meeting in Hobbs on September 13 (attendance also possible by Zoom) where committee members will work to hold the oil and gas industry accountable for their actions with produced water and in other key areas.

For more information, email Joanne.

Time to get the latest COVID vaccination!

Rich Ferrary noted a nationwide uptick in COVID cases and urged us to get the latest version of the COVID vaccine, now available in Las Cruces.

PVA meets again:

Thursday, September 26, 2024, 7pm