PVA Meeting Recap – January 24, 2013

Featured speaker, Ike Trevino, representing Health Securities for New Mexicans, spoke about the proposed New Mexico health plan and its relation to the Affordable Care Act.  After 20 years of work on the health system for NM, it is much closer to fruition.  This plan will not require an increase in taxes.  Senate Bill 226 was introduced today; a House bill will be submitted shortly.  For additional information:  www.nmhealthsecurity.org, or contact Mr. Trevino at iketre@aol.com or 5120921-1941.

Following Mr. Trevino’s presentation and his responses to audience questions, Maury Castro endorsed the NM Health Security proposal.

Peter Osorio spoke in support of Jason Marks, who is running for the New Mexico Attorney General (election in November 2014).  He praised Mr. Marks for the work he has done on behalf of the people of New Mexico while he has served on the Public Regulations Commission.

Bob Diven read a proclamation recognizing February 12, 2013 as “Darwin Day” and urged everyone to support House Resolution 41.  The link is:  www.darwinday.org.  Mr. Diven also suggested that notes/emails be sent to Congressman Steve Pearce.  Bob Diven can be reached at:  info@bobdiven.com.

Maria A. Flores advised that she is running for reelection to the School Board from District 3, and asked for support in the February 5 election.  For additional information, contact Ms. Flores at: maflores54@gmail.com or 649-9612.  Maria Flores is the only Hispanic on the School Board that oversees a system with a 75% Hispanic student enrollment.

Pat Aguirre is Maria Flores’ field organizer; she asked for volunteers to assist in the campaign and advised that early voting is open through February 1, 8am-5pm at the County Complex building.  Ms. Aguirre stated that she supports candidates who are exceptional individuals, thus she supports Ms. Flores, who is president of the Children’s Reading Foundation and has been on the Finance Committee.  Contact: patricia.ann.aguirre@gmail.com or 532-5127.

Others who endorsed Maria Flores included:  Ella Nelson, Bill McKinney, Stephen Jones, City Councillors Sharon Thomas and Miguel Silva

Chuck Davis is also running for reelection to the School Board on February 5.  He asked for support from the voters in District 1.  For anyone wanting to work on his campaign, call his wife, Helen Davis  at 642-4386.  Early voting is open (until February 1) at the County Complex Building, Monday-Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Also endorsing Chuck Davis:  Bill McKinney, City Councillors Sharon Thomas and Miguel Silva.  In his comments, Stephen Jones advised that Mr. Davis is the only master certified Board member and he’s a strong voice for collective bargaining.

Helen Davis spoke on behalf of her husband, Chuck Davis, and solicited help in the campaign.  She stated that no one cares more for the children and the school system than Chuck.

City Councilor Sharon Thomas expressed her support for both Maria Flores and Chuck Davis in their reelection bids for School Board seats.  She said the City Council has been able to work closely with the two candidates to support the students.  She would like to have the good relationship continue.

Bill McKinney, in addition to supporting School Board reelection for Maria Flores and Chuck Davis, stated that the progressive movement needs momentum and asked the audience to stay engaged.  He suggested that the progressives need to identify someone to run against Steve Pearce.  Contact:  bmckinney51@gmail.com or 575-649-8961.

Lenwood Hampton asked for support for his candidacy for School Board in District 1.  He had 20 years of business experience as a Facilities Director in California prior to moving to Las Cruces seven years ago.  He supports intervention not retention of students.  Contact:  mixedcompany2@hotmail.com or 575-405-9001.

Jason Marks announced his candidacy for Attorney General.  He has served two terms on the PRC protecting consumers from unjustified rate increases and working to transition NM to a more environmentally sustainable energy supply.  He is running on a platform of consumer protection, honest government, safe communities and environmental stewardship.  Contact: marks4nm@jasonmarks.com, or 505-385-4435.

Mark Nickerson endorsed Jason Marks and asked that attendees to support Mr. Marks.

Mark Westbrock advised that he was supporting Jason Marks for Attorney General and praised him for his work on the PRC.  Contact:  mark.westbrock@gmail.com.

Katie Hudak, Executive Director of Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center in El Paso, issued an invitation to join the group for the Celebrity Waiter Dinner fundraiser on March 14 at 6pm.  Ms. Hudak advised that this non-profit organization, which represents Emilio Gutierrez, presently has 19 open political asylum cases.  For additional information on the organization or the fundraiser, contact: katieanitahudak@las-americas.org, or 915-544-5126 ext 22.  The website is: www.las-americas.org.

Jill Haller of New Mexico Fair Share explained the tenents of the organization, including putting Americans back to work and getting rid of the out-dated subsidies for oil and pharmaceutical industries.  NMFS has a couple of activities scheduled for Albuquerque; Las Cruces events TBA.  To learn about the organization and its activities, contact jill@fairsharealliance.org, log on to Nmfairshare.org, or call 307-899-1824.

Alice Anderson recommended a new book available at the Branigan Library, Owls of the World, by Heimo Mikkola, which describes some of Darwin’s “endless forms most beautiful.”  She advised that this is your tax dollars at work.  Contact:  yurcarus@yahoo.com.

City Councilor Miguel Silva advised that he and Councilor Gil Sorg will be convening public discussions on impact fees and planned growth issues, through the Great Conversations program, on February 5, 6, 7 and 9, at 7pm in the Greenworks Building.  The February 7 session may be held in City Hall.  Contact: 575-571-0193.

Martha Stephen said she just saying hello and she loved the MLK parade.

Martha Loustaunau advised that House Bill 206, recently introduced in the State Legislatuare would deny abortions in cases if rape or incest because it would be destroying evidence, is in Committee.  Contact:  M_Loustau@hotmail.com

PVA Meets Again
Thursday, February 28, 7 p.m.
Munson Senior Center
975 S. Mesquite