PVA Meeting Recap – September 27, 2012

Unified Action for September: Be Involved in the 2012 Election

Sponsored by the PVA Executive Committee, pva@pva-nm.org

The Issue

The upcoming election is crucial to determining the kind of state and country we will live in for at least the next 2 years. Our personal involvement with local, state, and national campaigns can make the difference in the elections.

What we are asking

1. volunteer time for a candidate or campaign-related activity — and/or —
2. make a contribution to a candidate of your choice

PVA is non-partisan and does not endorse any candidate. The following candidates (or their representatives) have attended PVA meetings to ask for support.

Federal Campaigns

Evelyn Madrid Erhard for U.S. House More information: www.evelynforcongress.com

Martin Heinrich for U.S. Senate
More information: www.martinheinrich.com

Barack Obama for President of the United States (Obama for America)
Las Cruces office: Alexandrea Aland 575-420-5467or aaland@ofanm.com

Statewide Campaigns

Monica Zamora for New Mexico Court of Appeals
More information: www.judgemonicazamora.com

Local Campaigns

Phillip Archuleta for NM House of Representatives, District 36
More information: 575-496-8822 or phillip.dist36@yahoo.com

Marci E. Beyer for District Court Judge, Division II
More information: 575-621-1242 or mlstout@nm.net

Joseph Cervantes for NM Senate, District 31
More information: joseph@cervanteslawnm.com

Nate Cote for NM House of Representatives, District 53
More information: 575-202-1872 or www.natecote.com

Mark D’Antonio for Dona Ana District Attorney
More information: 575-312-3650 or www.markdantonio2012.com

Leticia Duarte-Benavidez for County Commission, District 5
More information: 575-635-5146 or lbenavidez@donaanacounty.org

Lynn Ellins for Dona Ana County Clerk
More information: www.lynnellins.com

Joanne Ferrary for NM House of Representatives, District 37
More information: 575-649-1231 or rjferrary@msn.com

Doreen Gallegos for NM House of Representatives, District 52
More information: 575-647-6325 or doreen@doreengallegos.com

David “Dr. G” Garcia for County Commission, District 2
More information: 915-497-4293 or drdavidjgarcia@yahoo.com

Wayne Hancock for County Commission, District 4
More information: 575-520-4560 or wdhancock@gmail.com

Darren Kugler for District Court Judge, Division III
More information: 575-525-8491 or darren_kugler@yahoo.com

Paul “Pablo” Martinez for Magistrate Judge, Division III
More information: 575-527-2460 or pabloam.geo@yahoo.com

Rodolpho “Rudy” S. Martinez for NM House of Representatives, District 39
More information: 575-537-3105 or rudy_s_martinez@msn.com

Bill McCamley for NM House of Representatives, District 33 More information: 575-496-5731 or billmccamley14@gmail.com

Jacinto Palomino for District Court Judge, Division III
More information: 575-496-0954 or hosspalomino@gmail.com

Mary Kay Papen for NM Senate, District 38
More information: 575-649-7853 or marykaypapen@comcast.net

Mary Rosner for District Court Judge, Division III
More information: 575-524-4399 or mwr@roslan.com

Beverly Singleman for Magistrate Judge
More information: 575-571-1455/575-522-1563 or bjsin@spinn.et

Bill Soules for NM Senate, District 37
More information: 575-640-0409 or soules4senate37@yahoo.com

Jeff Steinborn for NM House of Representatives, District 35
More information: www.jeffsteinborn.com

Another wonderful resource is the League of Women Voters Voters’ Guide to the 2012 General Election.

Reports and General Announcements

Nate Cote, who is running for NM House Distict 53, needs volunteers

Cote stated he is running in a district that can easily swing in either direction. He said that his opponent is a weak legislator but an effective campaigner and has the backing of people with money. Nate knows everyone is busy but would be grateful for a few hours from you to make phone calls, write postcards to voters, and/or knock on doors. Nate also received the endorsement from the Sun News. The article stated, “In a race where voters can review the records of both candidates, we believe Cote has the stronger record to run on.” Read the article on Nate’s website. Contact Rich Longo to volunteer: richlongo@gmail.com or 639-8361.

Tina Hancock endorses her husband’s run for county commission

Tina Hancock’s husband Wayne Hancock is running for County Commission, District 4. She wants to assure voters that Wayne has a great wife who always helps him stay on track! Wayne is a businessman; Tina noted that something she loves about her husband is that he values businesses that put people before profits. Tina can be reached at 575-520-4555. For more information about Wayne, visit his website.

Mark D’Antonio needs your help on his campaign

Mark D’Antonio, candidate for Dona Ana County District Attorney, let us know that his opponent has close ties with Governor Martinez. Therefore, he has to deal with formidable obstacles put in place by powerful people. He stated that while this race is not a fair fight he will win, with your help! Give him a call to help on his campaign; Mark can be reached at 575-915-0260. You can also visit his campaign website. Also, Mark is having a fundraiser on Sunday, October 14, 2012. It is a Golf Tournament at NMSU Golf Course: 8:00a.m. Tee Time Four Man Scrimmage. Lunch served at 12:00 pm. Live Auction Prizes and FUN! $75 per player/$300 Teams/ Hole Sponsorships

Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign is “alive and well”

Every state has different needs and that is why Maury Castro believes that the Health Security Plan], which is a healthcare plan created by New Mexicans for New Mexicans, is the best plan for the needs of New Mexico. Maury emphasized that the Health Security Plan is not in competition with the Affordable Care Act. As part of the ACA, every state has to come up with a way to provide affordable healthcare to residents, and if a state comes up short, they can implement insurance exchanges. Maury’s point is that NM doesn’t necessarily have to go the route of insurance exchanges when there’s already a better option. In addition, President Obama supports removing the “2017” date that the insurance companies put into the ACA. The Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign will be putting legislation into the next legislative session; the Campaign continues to fight to implement a healthcare plan that will cover all New Mexicans and save everyone money.

Candidate for State Rep., Bill McCamley, supports the job of the government

Bill McCamley, who is running for NM House District 33, said it seems that the Republicans believe that what the government does for the states/nation is unnecessary; he said that it certainly seems that the purpose of the current Republican Party is to obstruct government progress. Bill, however, believes that government is “…an extension of who we are as a community.” We as a community value our children, value education, value safety, value the land we live upon, and as a result we have developed a government that educates young people, protects individuals with police/fire departments/regulatory agencies which ensure we aren’t breathing/eating/drinking toxins, and enhances our lives with roads, energy, technology, libraries, and so on. Bill wants to take a positive and productive view of government to Santa Fe, while he feels his opponent continues to support government obstruction. He would like to debate his opponent about the important issues facing our state, but so far she has refused. Bill also wants to remind everyone that there is no longer an option on the ballot to vote a “straight-party-ticket.” Everyone needs to vote all the way down the ballot. You can find updates on Bill’s campaign by following him on his Facebook page.

Martin v. Heather

Chris Sylvan from the Democratic Party of New Mexico/the Coordinated Campaign/Martin Heinrich’s campaign, said that even though Martin Heinrich, who is running for US Senate in NM, is currently ahead in the polls, his opponent Heather Wilson just received a large influx of money from out of the state which means that her campaign will be flooding households with commercials and mailers; plus, we’ll be seeing more of the we-are-on-a-first-name-basis “Heather” yard signs (read more about the race here: http://www.capitolreportnewmexico.com/?tag=heather-wilson. Therefore, the DPNM is looking for volunteers for canvassing and phone banks. If you want to volunteer for Martin Heinrich, email or call (505-750-0195) Chris. He will be very grateful! The DPNM is also planning a Get-Out-The-Vote rally on Saturday Oct. 20 which will start at 9 am at the Democratic headquarters located at 139 N Water Street.

An update from El Paso Electric’s Rico Gonzales

Rico Gonzales from El Paso Electric [keeps us informed about the latest news from EPE. For example, new this month, the electric company has added an “outage map” to their website. Customers are encouraged to use the outage map on the website to get information about power losses in their neighborhood. Of course, if the power is out at your home you will have to use your smart phone, battery powered laptop, or local library computer (if their power is on) to look at the map! EPE also advises, “Always have the El Paso Electric outage numbers handy to report loss of service as well as trouble and emergencies related to electric service. Texas:  (915) 877-3400; New Mexico: (575) 523-7591.” Thank you for the updates, Rico!

Protect the vote

Peter Ossorio, also known as The Voter Protection Guy, said that we need to start voting on October 9th. But we also need to protect the vote! He said candidates can work their hearts out on their campaigns but it will mean nothing if the votes aren’t protected. Peter Ossorio and Dr. Rae Fortunato, will be working with the Democratic Party of Dona Ana County, and will be training volunteers on voter protection on October 3 at 1:30, October 3 at 5:30, and October 4 at 5:30. Volunteers will be credentialed as “challengers” by Democratic Party Chair, Christy French. Contact Peter or Rae (Rae’s cell: 575-621-4681) about getting trained (more trainings will be scheduled) or if you have any questions.

Wayne Hancock asks you to support him and Leticia Duarte-Benavidez 

Wayne Hancock, who is running for County Commission, District 4, said that if he is elected he will focus on working together with the commissioners and the city councilors to address economic issues, roads, flooding, and the many other issues that residents are concerned about. As Wayne’s website says, “He will represent all citizens in our diverse community… [he] recognizes that everyone deserves responsiveness and respect.” Wayne is also grateful for his wife’s help and guidance! Wayne also asks voters in District 5 (click here for DAC district map) to vote for Leticia Duarte-Benavidez. The Las Cruces Sun News bio on Leticia states that her top priorities if re-elected are: the Crisis Triage Center (for mentally ill prisoners), Mesilla Valley Regional Dispatch Authority, county roads and infrastructure, public safety, fighting against gang violence, vandalism, and theft.

Charity Event to benefit Casa de Peregrinos

Robert Houghton announced the 19th annual NMSU Hunger Benefit for Casa de Peregrinos. It will be at Beverly Hills Hall on October 19 at 5:30pm. The organizers are seeking donations for the silent auction. Email Robert to buy tickets for this event.

Evelyn Madrid Erhard v. Steve Pearce, for U.S. Congress

Peter Goodman asked Democrats, as well as those independent and Republican voters in CD2 who are not pleased with Congressman Pearce’s record [http://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/steven_pearce/400313], to “energetically support” Evelyn Madrid Erhard. First of all, he contends, Evelyn took on a dirty job when no one else stepped up to the plate. He said, “She is in a tough campaign against a well-funded opponent. She is running with energy and passion. Pearce doesn’t care about us. Evelyn does. There are important constitutional issues coming up for votes in this upcoming session. People may doubt that Evelyn can win against an opponent like millionaire Steve Pearce, but remember, never say never.” Visit Evelyn’s website to volunteer or contribute to her campaign. Incidentally, here is an interesting article about campaign contributions in the NM congressional races (thank you for forwarding this, C.L.!).

Joanne Ferrary, candidate for state representative, resilient as ever

Joanne Ferrary, Democrat, who is running for NM House District 37, did not get endorsed by the Las Cruces Sun News (here’s her bio from the online edition). With a smile on her face, Joanne said, “Who cares, right? Moving on!” She said what matters are the people in District 37, who she wants to listen to and get to know. What matters is education, economic development, healthcare, energy, and so on. She also said it was important that the Sun News did point out that her opponent hasn’t participated in interim committee meetings, which certainly seems to indicate a lack of commitment and enthusiasm for the job. Joanne said she’s been getting hit with a lot of negative mail from her opponent’s campaign. But, she says she is more fired up then ever. She is ready to represent her district in Santa Fe and make a difference for our state. She also says, “Go Obama!” You can follow Joanne on her Facebook page, visit her website, or call her at 575-649-1231.

Doreen Gallegos, candidate for House District 52, would be honored to serve NM

Doreen Gallegos said that she had just been at a town hall meeting in Anthony, NM where she felt the power of democracy in action. The community had come together to talk about public safety issues and people from the ages of 5 to 95 were able to speak their minds. Doreen said that her work as a social worker gives her the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of individuals, and she would be proud to have the opportunity to serve people on a state level. You can learn more about Doreen by visiting her website, or you can call her at (575) 649-6325.

Joseph Cervantes, candidate for NM Senate District 35, gets the job done

Representative Joseph Cervantes is running for NM Senate, Dis.35. He says that the Senate will be taking on important issues in the upcoming legislative session and it’s important to elect effective legislators. Joseph said that despite what Gov. Martinez says, the legislature does get things done and he plans to continue getting positive things done for NM. As a State Representative, Joseph passed the Whistleblower Protection Act, the Fraud Against Taxpayers Act, passed legislation to open all legislative committees to the public and press, co-chaired the House Impeachment subcommittee to address allegations related to PRC misconduct, passed legislation to protect the delivery and conservation of water to southern Dona Ana County colonias and farms, and co-sponsored the Colonias Infrastructure Act to provide for basic services in border communities. You can look at all the bills that Rep. Cervantes has carried and passed here. You can email Joseph or call him at 575-415-4498.

SWEC to Celebrate 20th Anniversary with Downtown Extravaganza

Kevin Bixby announced that the Southwest Environmental Center is celebrating 20 years of protecting wildlife and wild lands by throwing a Downtown Extravaganza in Las Cruces on Saturday, October 13, 6 to 10 pm on Main Street. The public is invited to the event which will feature great food, beer and wine, live music, the unveiling of a new “Ice Age Animals on Main Street” mural by Bob Diven, fire dancers, aerial dancing by Project in Motion, a visit by the great “thinking like a mountain” New Mexico conservationist Aldo Leopold, art battles, Mexican Wolf scavenger hunt, silent auction and more. Proceeds go to support SWEC’s conservation work. Tickets are $60 in advance and $65 at the door. Members of SWEC receive a $10 discount. Tickets are available at the SWEC office at 275 N. Main, or at www.wildmesquite.org. For more information, call (575) 522-5552.

Hell no, we won’t go back

Dr. Rae Fortunato, also known as “The Voter Protection Goddess,” says, “I want to thank people in advance for their commitment to protecting the vote. We will be training volunteers on voter protection on October 3 at 1:30, October 3 at 5:30, and October 4 at 5:30, with more trainings TBA. After you are trained we would ask you to do 1 four hour shift during early voting or on Election Day. Clearly, you are welcome to do more! At no recent time in memory have forces from other sides tried to return us to 50 or 100 years ago with blatant or insidious attempts to depress, disenfranchise, or deter voters from their constitutionally-protected right to vote. But we will not go back. We will not go back.” If you have any questions or are ready and willing to protect the vote, email or call Dr. Rae (575-621-4681).

Billy Garrett supports Wayne Hancock’s support for Letitia Duarte-Benavidez

County Commissioner Billy Garrett said, “Please support county commission candidates Dr. David Garcia (District 2), Wayne Hancock (District 4), and Leticia Benevidez (District 5).” Simple as that!

Join Pat Aguirre as she helps candidates win in November

Pat Aguirre, also known as “The Campaigning Superhero,” is working with three candidates’ campaigns during this election season: Joanne Ferrary, Doreen Gallegos, and Wayne Hancock. She said the people she works with are wonderful people and she’s so happy to know them. She needs people to help canvass, call, and mail letters to voters. Please contact her if you can help!

Cote v. Little

Democrat Nate Cote is facing Republican opponent Ricky Little in the race for NM House District 53. Cheryl Frank said that if you are interested in keeping the New Mexico state legislature blue, than rather than sit back and hope for the best, please put in a few hours in October to talk to voters. The polls suggests that once voters hear about what the two candidates stand for, and what their records are, they are easily recognizing that Nate Cote is by far the best option for the district. Cheryl says, “If we don’t get the message to the voters, Ricky Little could win on November 6. A lot of us think it is really important that Nate Cote win this election. But, if Little wins, it’s not that bad, right? Unless you care about the welfare and the future of children, adults, older people, working people, schools, teachers, the environment, equality, public safety, unions and collective bargaining, women’s health, tax fairness, civil liberties, the justice system, military personnel and veterans care, and actual effective leadership. If you care about those kinds of things, you need to do something. Call Nate at 575-202-1872 and arrange to talk to some voters today.”

Make a difference with the Democratic Party of New Mexico

Joshua Orozio from the Democratic Party of New Mexico/ the Coordinated Campaign/Martin Heinrich’s campaign said that – if you are a voting Democrat – volunteering for the Coordinated Campaign is important. The Coordinated Campaign is supporting the entire Democratic ticket. He has had meaningful interactions with voters and he is often surprised that short conversations can make all the difference. Canvassing and phone banking, Joshua said, gives you the opportunity to make a connection with a voter and help them understand elections and why they should vote for Martin Heinrich and the Democratic candidates. He said he has spoken to countless Democrats who have heard inaccurate gossip from neighbors about a candidate, and canvassing gives him the opportunity to set the record straight. The coordinated campaign is always looking for volunteers – you can email Joshua, Liz Watson, or Chris Sylvan.

The NM Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee helps local campaigns

Rich Longo wants to keep the NM House blue. Richard works with the DLCC, which is a national organization that helps Democratic candidates in closely contested races. The DLCC is helping 3 candidates in the Las Cruces area: Phillip Archuletta running for State Representative District 36, Nate Cote running for State Representative District 53, and Joanne Ferrary running for State Representative District 37. Rich needs volunteers to help get these individuals elected. Rich said, “Keep the House blue. Volunteer. Archuleta, Cote, Ferrary. Archuleta, Cote, Ferrary. Archuleta, Cote, Ferrary.”

Maury Castro endorses Rudolpho “Rudy” Martinez

Maury said that Representative Rudolpho “Rudy” S. Martinez, who is running for re-election in House District 39, “…is worthy of your support. He is a good union man, good for education, a true liberal.” Visit Representative Martinez’s website, call him at (575) 534-7546, or email.

Support the removal of the public defenders office from Governor’s control

County Commissioner Scott Krahling encourages voters to support Constitutional Amendment 5. It will read on the ballot like this: Constitutional Amendment 5: Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of New Mexico to Add a New Section that Provides for the Organization of an Independent Public Defender Department. Here’s an interesting article on this issue. Scott also asks voters to support Mark D’Antonio, Wayne Hancock, and Letitia Benevidez.

Our next meeting will be
Thursday, October 25, 7 p.m.
Munson Senior Center, 975 S. Mesquite