PVA Meeting Recap – August 23, 2012
Featured Presentation
Liz Watson, from the Coordinated Campaign, talked about the mission, scope, and needs of the coordinated campaign. Liz works for the Democratic Party of New Mexico and is the Field Coordinator for Congressional District 2. BTW, CD2 is the 3rd largest congressional district in the nation and is approximately the size of North Dakota!
- The Coordinated Campaign is also Martin Heinrich’s field campaign. The coordinated campaign will collaborate with the entire democratic ticket (here in southern NM) and also work with Obama’s Campaign. While the Obama campaign has limitations on which candidates they can talk about with the voters, the Coordinated Campaign will be working with the entire down-ballot ticket, so all democratic candidates will be working together to get democrats elected on November 6th.
- Liz emphasized Martin Heinrich’s qualifications. He stands up for our environment, for women’s rights, for helping to create jobs by closing tax loopholes for companies that send jobs overseas, and so on. See his entire platform here. Liz said that if the voters want the progressive candidate who is going to move New Mexico forward, Martin Heinrich is the right candidate. If elected, Heinrich would be one of 3 non-millionaires in the Senate. He will be a representative for the middle class, and for all New Mexicans.
- The coordinated campaign has knocked on 5,500 doors and made 11,000 phone calls so far. They have a lot more work to do if they want to compete with the massive influx of republican money coming in from out-of-state.
- You can volunteer online here, or you can call Liz at 814-243-1415, or email her at liz@nmdemocrats.org. She said, “We will answer or we will call you back!”
- The Democratic Party Headquarters is at 136 N. Water Street (behind Zeffiro’s on the downtown mall). The coordinated campaign office is on the 2nd floor and they will be working night and day to get Heinrich and the rest of the ticket elected. If you are in the neighborhood, stop by and say hello and/or volunteer an hour to call some voters!
Unified Action for August
Ask Governor Martinez to support the Medicaid Expansion
Sponsored by Health Action 4 NM, Center on Law & Poverty, and NM CAFé
For more information call Sarah Nolan at 575-520-1624
When you have finished this action, please send an “I did it!” to unifiedaction@pva-nm.org.
What we are asking
Call the Governor on Friday, August 24, and say,
“Governor, don’t leave Medicaid money on the table. We can make New Mexico healthier, generate economic activity, and create new jobs. Support the Medicaid opportunity!”
Here’s the number to call: 505-476-2200
The Issue
Starting in 2014, Medicaid can be provided to every low-income adult under 138% of the poverty level, including low wage workers and people who have recently lost their jobs. But Governor Martinez is undecided about whether to take this opportunity with Medicaid even though doing so would cost New Mexico nothing and get healthcare for nearly every low-income New Mexican. The federal government will pay for the full cost of Medicaid for three years and then pay for 90% of the cost after that. The state would then be responsible for the other 10 cents on the dollar, but these costs will be more than covered by the ripple effect of over $6 billion federal dollars coming into the state, generating tens of thousands of new healthcare jobs and business revenues. We must let the Governor know that New Mexicans want coverage for all low-income people. Ask her to seize the Medicaid opportunity!
Relevant links about the issue:
1. http://www.nmvoices.org/archives/2181
2. http://nmpovertylaw.org/WP-nmclp/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Flyer-Preserve-Medicaid-Put-People-First-2011-08-01.pdf
Reports and General Announcements
Lynn Ellins for County Clerk
Lynn is running for re-election and his campaign needs volunteers to help talk to voters at the doors. He can also use financial contributions and he asks you, “What’s in your wallet?” Contributions can be sent to: Committee to Re-elect Ellins Clerk, P.O. Box 1702
Fairacres, NM 88033. To volunteer, email Lynn at lellins@q.com, or visit his website.
Joanne Ferrary for State Representative, District 37
“I love New Mexico.” Joanne said, “Let’s not get bogged down by wedge issues. Let’s actually get things done.” Joanne’s work on DWI and underage drinking prevention at the state and local levels demonstrated her dedication to finding solutions to community problems. Joanne has many ideas to take to Santa Fe. She is very interested in listening to voters, which is why she has already knocked on over 600 doors. For more information or to volunteer to help Joanne get elected, call her at 575-649-1231 or visit her Facebook page.
Richard Longo and the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
Richard Longo works with the DLCC, which is a national organization that helps democratic candidates in closely contested races. The DLCC is helping 3 candidates in the Las Cruces area: Phillip Archuletta running for State Representative District 36, Nate Cote running for State Representative District 53, and Joanne Ferrary running for State Representative District 37. The DLCC wants to pump resources into these campaigns but can only do so if they see that the campaigns have strong volunteer support. Therefore, Richard is having weekly “Keep the NM Legislature Blue” phone banks every Wednesday at 6pm at the Democratic Headquarters, 136 N. Water Street. Please contact Richard at 556-4390 or email him to volunteer to make phone calls or knock on doors (or host a coffee or put up signs or address envelopes, etc.!).
Health Action NM will hold a community workshop
Maury Castro let us know about a health care community workshop on Wednesday, August 29, from 3 to 6 pm, at the Doña Ana County Building, Commission Chambers Room, 845 N. Motel Blvd. Health Action NM is facilitating the workshop to help the public better understand the Affordable Care Act, availability of affordable dental care, and the Medicaid program. The workshop is free and open to the public. RSVP to attend: (877) 867-1095. Or call Maury for more information: 571-1923.
Connie McMahan looks for employment
Connie is looking for a job. She has a political science degree from the University of Michigan. She is an experienced grant writer and was the former Research Director for the New Mexico Business Weekly. Her email is cm1307nm@msn.com.
Phillip Archuleta for State Representative, District 36
Phillip said he is running for state representative because he is tired of all the fighting in Santa Fe among the legislators. He said, “I want to work hard to help the community. We need clean water, clean air, and good roads. We need to stand up for our teachers, and stand up for workers’ right to collective bargaining. We need to enforce minimum wage, stop out of state bidding, and protect our environment.” Phillip’s contact info is: (575) 496-8822 or phillip.dist36@yahoo.com.
Protect Pit Rule–call the Governor asap
Peter Goodman summarized his 8-19-12 column in the Las Cruces Sun News saying, “It’s very important to call the Governor and tell her not to eviscerate the NM pit rule. A committee, including two Gov. Martinez appointees, will possibly make this decision in September.” Peter says he’s passionate about this issue because some things are just right and some things, like gutting the pit rule, are just wrong. “Martinez’s position has no defense – even Texas has better conditions and regulations [to make sure groundwater isn’t contaminated]!” You can read a detailed article about this at www.soledadcanyon.blogspot.com; Peter’s email is pgoodmanphotos@yahoo.com.
Note: at the June PVA meeting, Sandy Buffett also encouraged everyone to call the Governor (505-476-2200) and ask her to protect the current Pit Rules in New Mexico.
Pancake Breakfast benefit for the Honor Flight
Al Kissling announced that the Honor Flight Network is in need of money to send WWII vets to Washington D.C. to view the monument. The Kiwanis Club is sponsoring a pancake breakfast to raise money, on September 1st from 8am to 11am, at VFW Post 6917, 5845 Bataan Memorial West. Tickets are $5 per person.
Mark D’Antonio for District Attorney
Mark D’Antonio says that being a D.A. means doing justice in all cases and taking the politics out of the office. Mark needs help to win in November. Call Mark at 575-312-3650 or visit his website. Mark also encourages people to support Marci Beyer, Darren Kugler, and Mary Rosner for District Court judges.
Obama for America Campaign
The president needs to win New Mexico, said Maggie Griffin, who pointed out that this is only going to happen with a large grassroots effort. The Las Cruces OFA office needs volunteers. The office is also in need of supplies such as bottled water and paper towels, and a microwave. If you can help, contact Alexandrea Aland at 575-420-5467. Maggie: “The power of the people will determine the future of the country! Get the word out!”
10th Annual Celebration of Labor Day Breakfast
Gayle Radom announced the Dona Ana County Democratic Party 10th Annual Labor Day Breakfast will be Monday, September 3rd, at 9am, at the Ramada Palms, 201 E. University Avenue. The breakfast will commemorate the American Labor Movement by honoring Yvonne Mendoza, AFSCME President, Local 2393; the keynote speaker will be Sam Bregman, and this special event will be introducing the J. Paul Taylor Club. Tickets are $45 each (in advance), RSVP by August 24. Please make check payable to: Doña Ana County Democratic Party and mail to: DPDAC, 1733 Salinas Drive, Las Cruces, NM 88011. Tickets purchased at the door are $55 each (if available). For additional information, call Gayle Radom – 575.532.1780, gradom@q.com.
Bill McCamley for State Representative, District 33
Bill McCamley said he is running for House District 33 because he wants to create jobs for the region, support education programs, create new energy resources locally, clean up corruption, and keep our communities great places to live. Here’s a youtube video starring Bill. Bill is knocking on doors weekends and weekday evenings and would love company – it gets lonely out there. If you can help with Bill McCamley’s campaign, with walking, or putting up a sign, or hosting a coffee party, or making a donation, call or email Bill at 575-496-5731.
Monica Zamora for New Mexico Court of Appeals
Representative for Judge Zamora, Jackie Lee, read a statement from Monica Zamora outlining her motivation for running for the court of appeals and stating her qualifications. You can learn more about Judge Zamora by visiting her website or you can email her at judgemonicazamora@gmail.com.
Jacinto Palomino for District Court Judge
Jacinto Palomino, who is running for re-election for District Court Judge, spoke about having broad support from both the prosecution and defense sides of the law community. He said he has the experience to make sound legal decisions. He is a graduate of National Judicial College. He noted that you can vote for him and Marci Beyer. You can email Judge Palomino at hosspalomino@gmail.com or keep up with his campaign on his Facebook page.
Marci Beyer for District Court Judge
Marci Beyer is asking for your vote because “voting for a district court judge is a very important decision.” She said, “If you or someone you know hasn’t been in this court, you or someone you know will be affected by the decisions of this court at some point.” The district court has jurisdiction over criminal cases, domestic relations (divorce, child support and custody, domestic violence), probate cases, children’s court (abuse and neglect of children, juvenile delinquency, adoptions) and all general civil cases (auto accidents, contract disputes, real property disputes, violation of civil rights). Marci says, “When families go through tough times, they need a committed judge to help – one with decades of valuable experience. I will be this kind of a judge for Doña Ana County.” You can visit Marci’s website for more information.
Self Proclaimed “Good-Natured, Bald, Democrat” supports Phillip Archuleta
Leslie Piper says, “It’s simple. Archuleta, Archuleta, Archuleta. We need you.” Enough said! See above to read Phillip Archuleta’s reasons for running for office and get his contact information. You can contact Leslie at 520-0699 or email: yruncle@gmail.com. Leslie will be happy to talk with you about why he believes Phillip should get your vote.
Irony at the library
Avid reader Alice Anderson noted that a book currently on the new book shelf at the Thomas Branigan Memorial Library titled Covenent Liberty: the Ideological Origins of the Tea Party Movement, by Patrick Leahy, maintains that most taxes imposed by the government are not in the best interests of American citizens. Meanwhile, Leahy’s book is available at a tax-supported public library.
True or False Quiz, plus support for Wayne Hancock and Joanne Ferrary
Gill Sorg would like to remind everyone to volunteer for a campaign (or two) throughout this election season. He will be volunteering for Wayne Hancock and Joanne Ferrary. He also challenges everyone to do his/her research. Gill asks you these questions:
- True or false: Back in Massachusetts, Mitt Romney believed that “abortion should be safe and legal in this country” and pledged to “sustain and support” Roe v. Wade.
- True or false: Mitt Romney promised not to “line up with the NRA” and proudly boasted of the state’s “tough gun laws.”
- True or false: Romney refused to sign Grover Norquist’s “no tax” pledge and termed it an example of “government by gimmickry?”
- True or false: Grover Norquist said, “We just need a president who can sign the legislation that the Republican House and Senate pass. We don’t need someone to think. We need someone with enough digits on one hand to hold a pen.”
Answers: all true. Reference: http://www.thenation.com/article/169287/president-romney#
Who inspired you?
Sherry Thomas inspired Scott Krahling. Scott told us that when Sherry Thomas was running for city council, he was familiar with Sherry’s opponent. But Sherry not only won his vote, she inspired him, and continues to do so. He emphasized that in this election it will be crucial to vote all the way down the ballot. There are inspiration people running, such as Wayne Hancock. “Walk, call, donate. Let’s inspire more people,” said Scott.
Visitor from San Antonio praises PVA
Don Hester, a visiting friend of Larry Gioannini, said he is very impressed with the “PVA model,” and would like to have something like PVA in his hometown of San Antonio. Don also said, “By the way, if corporations are people, we should see their birth certificates!”
Register your family members to vote
Bea Klein announced that she registered her daughter to vote! Here are some helpful voter registration links:
Evelyn Madrid Erhard for U.S. Congress
Dinah Jentgen announced a fundraiser for Democratic congressional candidate Evelyn Madrid Erhard, on August 27th, from 5 to 7pm, at the home of Mary Gail and State Sen. Lamar Gwaltney, 1910 N. Alameda, Las Cruces. $100 per person. Appearing to support Evelyn will be U.S. Senator Tom Udall and Democratic National Committeewoman-Elect, State Rep. Joni Gutierrez.
Nate Cote needs volunteers to help with his campaign for State Representative
Cheryl Frank said that in order to win in November, Nate Cote needs people to volunteer a couple of hours a week to talk to voters. His race could be won or lost by a few votes so every contact makes a difference. There will be phone banks at the Democratic Headquarters (136 N. Water Street) every Wednesday from 6-8pm. To volunteer, please contact Rick Longo at 556-4390 or email him, or call Nate at 575-202-1872 or email him. You can also visit Nate’s website for more information.
Roberto Estrada inspires Mike Sanchez
Mike said he admires Roberto Estrada, who owns Roberto’s Mexican Food restaurant, and wishes more people were like Roberto, who does good things without the need for recognition.
Sarah Nolan and CAFé are making a difference
Sarah explained that one of CAFé’s current projects is called, “Praying, Organizing, Voting for a Land of Opportunity.” The goal is to get 15,000 “unlikely” voters (in Las Cruces & Southern NM area) to the polls in the upcoming election. CAFé is a 501c(3) non-partisan organization and therefore their staff and/or representatives cannot endorse or oppose any particular candidate(s) – CAFé’s aim is to strongly encourage “unlikely” voters to vote. To help/volunteer go to www.organizenm.org or call Sarah at 575-520-1624. CAFé is also hiring “dreamers” (people eligible for the Obama Administration’s “deferred action” initiative for unauthorized youth who were brought to this country as children).
Pull out the disco clothes for a D’Antonio fundraiser
Thomas Sandoval extended an invitation to a “Disco-Night” fundraiser for Mark D’Antonio, who is running for district attorney. The party is at the Hotel Encanto, on August 24th; free sushi and appetizers from 7-9pm and dancing from 9-12. Tickets ($20 each) can be purchased at 119 N. Main.
George Griffin responds to Lubbock, TX, judge’s fears
A Texas judge, named Tom Head, has made the national news by saying, “[Obama is] going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the U.N., and what is going to happen when that happens? I’m thinking the worst. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe. And we’re not just talking a few riots here and demonstrations, we’re talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy.” See video here. Essentially, the judge, fearing a federal government takeover, is asking the federal government to provide his district with equipment and personnel training so that they can use the federal government provided weapons to fight any attempt at a federal government takeover. “This is batsh*t crazy,” said George Griffin, who is from Lubbock. He also says this judge is using the system to slander and demonize the President. George says the best thing to do is: 1. Vote, and 2. Vote to re-elect the president and democrats all the way down the ballot–so as to not let people like Todd Akin and Tom Head continue to sit in powerful positions.