September 26, 2024

Featured Presentation

We were privileged to have County Clerk Amanda Lopez-Askin give us some election basics – when you can start voting, ordering an absentee ballot, and so on. She also answered questions about election security. Did you know that New Mexico ranks number one on the Elections Performance Index which compares election administration policy and performance across the states? How cool is that! You can find lots of useful Doña Ana County election information here. Or you can follow the Clerk’s Office on Facebook.

Progressive Voter Guide available October 8

Lucas Herndon pointed out that the Progressive Voter Guide, produced by ProgressNowNM, includes every district in the state and provides you with all the relevant information about candidates. In addition to being useful, it’s also very popular – last year, it was the second most clicked site other than the Secretary of State’s site. The guide includes all the endorsements a candidate received, which allows readers to decide if the candidates reflect progressive values or if they just claim to be progressive. Lucas concluded by encouraging us to support the progressive City Councilors who are facing negative responses reflecting right-wing values at each meeting. 

For more information, email Lucas or check out the ProgressNowNM Facebook page.

Support for Gabby Begay! 

Nathan Small represents District 36 and believes this is a transformative time in New Mexico, pointing to the drop in child poverty due to an increase in the child tax credit, and the increase in education funding. He described some of the tough races incumbents are facing (including his seat), but he’s enthusiastic about Gabby Begay, who is running to take back the District 39 State House seat. 

Meet & Greet for Gabby Begay 
Monday, Sept. 30 from 5:30-7pm 
Joanne and Rich Ferrary’s home: 6000 Moonrise Arc.

For more information, email Nathan or check out his campaign website.

Force Multiplier: A tool for getting the most for your political $$

Mary Beth Hulsey introduced Force Multiplier, an inspired group of progressives with special skills that make it easier to decide where to spend your political dollars. And they do this research at no cost to users. They do the research so you don’t have to, and then recommend political races and groups where your financial contributions have the best chance to make change. “We never share your emails and 100% of your donation goes through ActBlue directly to the candidates or groups you have chosen.You decide where to invest. Just one click and you have impact. Together, we’ve raised over $25 million since inception.” You can find out more at

For more information, email Mary Beth.

Let’s dance & vote GOTV party 

Alice Salcido & Rosemarie Sanchez invite you to get out the vote while dancing the night away! “Join Democrats on Saturday, October 19, from 4 – 7 pm as we party on the plaza in downtown Las Cruces and encourage the community to get out the vote! There will be a DJ, entertainment, and food trucks. You don’t have to dance but once you hear the music you might surprise yourself!”

For more information, email Alice or Rosemarie.

Does anyone understand this legalese?

Ed Frank received a public notice in the mail, from the City of Las Cruces that says:

Notice: DP-1536, East Mesa Water Reclamation Facility: The City of Las Cruces proposes to renew and modify the Discharge Permit for the discharge of up to 1.4 million gallons per day of domestic wastewater from a treatment system to reuse areas. Potential contaminants from this type of discharge include nitrogen compounds…Groundwater most likely to be affected is at a depth of approximately 318-424 feet and had a pre-discharge total dissolved solids concentration of 237 to 1,250 milligrams per liter. (Discharge Permit: DP-1536, City of Las Cruces East Mesa Water Reclamation Facility).

So, Ed’s question is, “Um, what does this mean? Should I be concerned?”

For more information, email Ed.

What’s your walkability score? 

Jim Wilcox is starting a series that examines how cities can kill you or help you live longer. He argues that the built environment shapes our health, our community and much more. Can we walk to a coffee shop, or must we always drive to shop for groceries or attend an event on the Plaza? Can you walk or bike or take public transportation? Jim invites you to look up your address here and see what your walkability score is. At future PVA meetings, Jim will engage us in thinking about ways the City can be more walkable and contribute to our health and social connections. 

For more information, email Jim.

Interested in Serving on a County Commissioner’s Code of Conduct Committee? 

County Commissioner Shannon Reynolds represents District 3 in Doña Ana County and is searching for a citizen in his district interested in serving on the newly organized Code of Conduct Committee. The commissioners created a committee to address breaches of the Code of Conduct, and each commissioner will select a citizen in their districts to represent them on the committee. The goal of appointing citizens to represent each commissioner is to make the committee’s discussions independent from the commissioners themselves.

For more information, email Shannon.

Keep an Eye on PNM’s (Powering New Mexico) Rate Increases

Rocky Bacchus is proud of the State Senators & Representatives as well as the City Councilors and County Commissioners we’ve elected and thinks they don’t get enough credit for all they accomplish on our behalf. So let’s send our representatives a big thumbs up! Among their good works, Rocky believes they play an important role in monitoring the big rate increases PNM continues to make. Rocky sits on the PNM pricing committee as a volunteer and reported that PNM is making big (e.g., 32% increases) this year and every other year. Be aware!

For more information, email Rocky

KTAL-LP (101.5 FM), LC’s Community Radio needs your support!

Every Wednesday, Peter Goodman and colleagues invite members of the Las Cruces and Doña Ana County communities to discuss important topics and events. This Wednesday’s program will feature the candidates for District Attorney. Many of us listen to the distinctive programing that KTAL-LP offers–conversations that would not be heard on most commercial stations. If we want KTAL-LP to continue to offer these important exchanges, please send $ if you can. It’s worth it! 

For more information, email Peter.

Senator Bernie Sanders’ Joint Resolution to block weapons sales to Israel (introduced 9/25/24) 

V. Quevedo argues that “as a progressive community, we should have been opposing the genocide of the Palestinian people from Day 1. Over 77% of Democrats support a cease fire, according to the most recent national polling.” She hopes to see NM Senators supporting this resolution. 

For more information, email V. Quevedo.

Ready to do some door knocking for two tight House races?

Ali Scotten announced that Rep. Nathan Small and Rep. Tara Jaramillo had door knocking events the weekend of September 28-29. Contact Ali if you are ready to help the next time – just a reminder, these are some of the tightest races in the state.

Rep. Nathan Small Day of Action
Join Nathan Small to knock on doors Saturday, September 28, from 9:30-12:00. 
Meet-up is at Pioneer Women’s Park in Las Cruces.

Rep. Tara Jaramillo Day of Action
Door knocking on Sunday, September 29 for State House Representative Tara Jaramillo in Truth or Consequences. Carpooling from Las Cruces. 
Meet-up is at 8:30 am at Young Park in Las Cruces. Breakfast will be provided.

For more information, email Ali.

The “Postcard Posse” 

Congratulations to all who wrote postcards to get out the vote for Democrats! They prepared 3,800 postcards, which were sent in September and October!! 

For more information, email Gayle and Shirley

KTAL needs donations and new board members

Ed Long is the Interim Director of KTAL, our community radio station, and seeks donations and new Board members.

For more information, email Ed.

Celebrating gay PRIDE while getting out the vote

Jim Hoerst pointed out that we have gay rights because we have separation of Church and State, which means we have religious freedom. To get out the vote, Jim and the Federation of Democratic Women of Doña Ana County have prepared a postcard with all the essential information needed to register to vote and then make a plan for when and where they will vote. He’ll distribute this post card at the PRIDE parade!

For more information, email Jim.

Get out the vote with Vote Forward!

Margie Siegel encourages all of us to get out the vote by tapping the resources available by Vote Forward. Vote Forward is a nonprofit organization that “empowers grassroot volunteers to send handwritten letters encouraging fellow Americans to vote.” Since 2018, volunteers have sent 33.6 million letters to Democrats and Independents who do not vote. Vote Forward makes it easy to get out the vote by choosing a campaign (social, voter registration, and/or political) and a state, and then downloading the template for letters to be written in blue ink so the recipient doesn’t throw the letter in the trash! It takes approximately one hour to write, address, and put a stamp on 20 letters/envelopes. There’s still time to write and send letters by the Oct. 29 deadline (some must be sent ASAP).

For more information, email Margie.

Want to know who Maria is supporting for HD53?

Maria Flores is supporting Sarah Silva for HD53. Maria has known Sarah a long time, calling her smart and sassy, and knows she will be a tremendous representative. “Sarah is sincere and is very serious about taking on this responsibility,” said Maria. 

Which radio station does Maria think is the best in Las Cruces? KTAL Community Radio! Maria is now on the board of the station and implores people to donate so we don’t lose this great community radio station. You can make a donation here.

For more information, email Maria.

Parkinson’s Support Group

Lynn Austin announced that the Parkinson’s Support Group, for those with Parkinson’s as well as caregivers, meets at Holiday Inn Express on Telshor.

Parkinson’s Support Group
October 21 at 9:00am

For more information, email Lynn.

Investment in a healthier, more vibrant community

City Councilor and Mayor pro tem, Johana Bencomo, hopes voters will be supporting the GRT increase. “A 0.3250% increase is 32 cents on every $100 spent,” said Johana, “It’s a slight impact on our pockets for a transformative impact on our community. Local governments have a potential to be laboratories for change. With this GRT increase, I foresee finally being able to tackle things like massive street and drainage improvements, our laundry list of neighborhoods needing traffic calming measures for pedestrian safety, expanded bus service with shelters, benches, and ADA accessibility, park improvements, a new library – and I know that the majority of these projects would benefit predominantly working class neighborhoods and families. We want to be the kind of voters who vote for – not against – sensible bond issues and reasonable tax increases because we know they are investments in our shared values of continuing to create a healthy, diverse, and vibrant community.”

She also encouraged people to come to the Utilities Board Meetings and make public comments.

For more information, email Johana.  

Introducing the new Executive Director of NM CAFé 

Sylvia Ulloa announced she is the new Executive Director of NM Comunidades en Acción y de Fe (CAFé). Before this position, Sylvia was a field representative for Senator Martin Heinrich, where she covered border and immigration issues, education, and healthcare and economic development in Southern NM. She was also a journalist, and was the editor for the Las Cruces Sun News. Read more about her and her vision at the NM CAFé website. She is excited to continue to bring power to the people of Southern NM.

For more information, email Sylvia.

Legislation to keep your eye on

Steve Fischmann demonstrated how easy it is to donate to KTAL, as he gave some cash directly to interim general manager, Ed Long (reminder: KTAL will take cash, check, and credit!). Steve also endorsed Sarah Silva for House District 53, saying, “She does what is right.” Finally, Steve said he opposes legislation that hands control of our energy future to large utilities.

For more information, email Steve.

Sen. Carrie Hamblen, running for reelection, Senate District 38

Connie Chapman, who is helping on Carrie’s campaign, announced that she is aware of the disinformation that is being spread about Sen. Hamblen. “We will be responding,” she assured us. 

For more information, email Connie, or visit Carrie’s campaign website.

On the fence about the GRT increase? 

Don Kurtz urged us to champion with our friends and family the small Las Cruces GRT increase that will be on the November ballot. It will cost us an additional 32 cents on every $100 spent, doesn’t apply to food and medicine, and will cost a median income household about $3 a month.

Don opined that we expect a lot from the city, from well-trained police to free community and senior centers, services for our neighbors in need, Dial a Ride, low cost swimming and recreation facilities, ball fields and programs for kids and so much more — not to mention the basic infrastructure of parks, streets, sidewalks etc. that we expect to be clean, well-maintained and ready for us every day. Historically we have supported investing in our community, and Don says this is an excellent opportunity to do just that.

For more information, email Don.

Casa de Peregrinos’ rural expansion

Eric Walkinshaw was pleased to see this article in the current issue of the Las Cruces Bulletin. The article explains how CdP is expanding to Hatch, Sunland Park, and Chaparral. Also, September is hunger action month – if you’d like to make a donation to the CdP food pantry, you can do that here

For more information, email Eric.

PVA meets again:

Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 7pm