PVA Meeting Recap – June 23, 2011

America Votes

Jennifer Ford of American Votes gave a whirlwind tour of the organization’s thorough-going analysis of voter turnout in New Mexico for the 2010 midterm election and their plans to coordinate voter turnout efforts in the 2012 election.

For more information send email to Jennifer, call her at  505-243-9579, and visit America Votes online.

Jack Soules to Democrats: Focus

Jack Soules made two succinct points:

1. We’re never going to get back housing and manufacturing jobs. The way to create jobs is to shorten the work week to 36 hours.

2. The problem with Democrats is that they are for and against everything. Republicans have a single cause which is less government and lower taxes. The solution? Democrats must unite to make public financing of campaigns the law of the land.

For more information send email to Jack or call him at 575-521-9424.

Rep. Steve Pearce Holds Town Hall Meeting in Las Cruces

Charlotte Lipson invited everyone to attend Pearce’s town hall meeting.

Saturday, June 25, 10 a.m. (but come at 8:30 a.m. to get a seat)
Cineport 10 at Mesilla Valley Mall

For more information send email to Charlotte. [According to the Sun-News coverage, progressives turned out strong for this event.]

House Meetings to Rebuild the American Dream

Judith McCarthy announced a bold, new campaign to rebuild the American dream. MoveOn and allies are beginning by holding house meetings all across the county on July 16 and 17. You can learn more at MoveOn online, where you can find a house meeting near you and sign up to attend.

For more information send email to Judith or call her at 575-526-1521.

CDC Focuses on Hunger and the Farmworker

Veronica Carmona announced major activities planned by the Colonias Development Council that focus on healthy food as a human right. They will be holding a number of discussions around the county including in Las Cruces.

Healthy Food as a Human Right
Community Potluck and Discussion
Wednesday, June 29, 5 to 7 p.m.
WIA Building, 430 N. Reymond St. map

CDC is collaborating with other organization to raise awareness about the hardships faced by farmworker children. They will screen The Harvest, a documentary film following the lives of three farmworker children. A panel discussion following the film includes the award winning director U. Roberto Romano.

The Harvest
Saturday, August 6, 4 to 6:30 p.m.
Doña Ana Community College Auditorium
East Mesa Campus
2800 N. Sonoma Ranch Blvd.

For more information send email to Veronica or call her at 575-571-2177.

Trapping on Public Lands

Walt “Ski” Szymanski demonstrated the traps that are hidden and buried all over New Mexico’s public lands. The traps pose a danger to wild animals as well as to dogs and their owners.

The State Game Commission meets July 21 in Clayton, NM, and trapping is n their agenda. Before that time, Ski urged that we let the commissioners know our thoughts on the issue. The commission’s Web page has meeting agendas, minutes, and commissioner biographies and contact information.

For more information send email to Ski or call him at 575-574-7415, and visit Trap Free New Mexico online, where you can sign a petition to stop trapping on public lands..

Obama for America

Tomas Talamante of Obama for America introduced two summer organizers who will be working with him in Southern New Mexico. He reminded us that the election is just 17 months away and now is the time to get involved in the process of reelecting President Obama. He invited interested people to a grassroots planning session Sunday, June 26.

For more information send email to Tomas or call him at 575-562-0596.

Hector Balderas for U. S. Senate in Democratic Primary

Kenneth Sandoval introduced himself as a volunteer with Hector Balderas’s Democratic primary campaign for U.S. Senate and said he will be keeping PVA informed of the campaign’s progress.

For more information send email to Kenneth or call him at 505-927-7092 and visit the campaign Web site, where you can view the announcement video, filmed in Balderas’s hometown of Wagon Mound.

Silver City will have Community Radio Station

Kyle Johnson announced that Silver City has obtained a full power license for a community radio station. “If you have the bug for media activism, contact us,” he said.

For more information send email to Kyle or call him at 575-519-4144 and visit Gila/Mimbres Community Radio online.

Reelect Councilor Nathan Small, District 4

“Let’s keep a good councilor on the council,” Theresa Westbrock said, declaring her intention to work to reelect Nathan Small to the city council. She issued an invitation to join the campaign and promised a lot of fun and cookies along with serious hard work.

For more information send email to Theresa.

Reelect Mayor Ken Miyagishima

Don Kurtz reminded us of some of the good things that have happened in Las Cruces in the past 4 years with Ken Miyagishima as mayor. The list included:

> A more open and accessible city council
> Curbside recycling
> Office of sustainability significantly reducing energy costs
> New city hall, LEED certified, on time and on budget
> New convention center, LEED certified, on time and on budget
> Downtown revitalization nearing completion and new businesses arriving
> Aquatic center completed

For more information send email to Don.

Michael Huerta for Mayor

Michael Huerta announced that he is running for mayor. He cited his concern over the decreasing number of middle class households and the high levels of poverty in the city and county as motivations for his decision to enter the race.

For more information visit the campaign Web site.

What’s New and Good for Emilio Gutierrez

Ella Nelson gave an update on the activities of Emilio Gutierrez, a Mexican journalist seeking political asylum in the U.S. Emilio was honored at the recent conference of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, one of three journalists to receive the NAHJ President’s award. He has been interviewed by Al Jazeera and Univision and has received invitations to speak at UCLA, Columbia University, and many other venues.

For more information send email to Ella and watch Carlos Correa’s June 16 interview with Emilio on KRWG.

Kids Need Readers

Jan Reed of the Children’s Reading Foundation asked for volunteers to read with children in Organ and Butterfield. Health and Human Services provides summer lunches for the children in these communities and would like for someone to read to them for 30 minutes at lunchtime.

Jan pointed out that Butterfield and Organ are just a 10-minute drive away. She welcomed all volunteer readers (bilingual readers are especially needed).

For more info send email to Jan or call her at 575-373-0197, and visit the Children’s Reading Foundation online.

Great Reporting by KRWG

Judy Zimmerman gave a 5-star review to KRWG’s report on Steve Pearce and the environment. The piece looks at Pearce’s positions on the Mexican gray wolf, roads in the Gila Wilderness, logging in Lincoln National Forest, and the Dune Sagebrush Lizard vs. oil and gas.

A second report looked at what went wrong in La Mancha Estates, a Las Cruces subdivision with illegal septic systems and other infrastructure problems. The piece aired in four segments on KRWG FM and is posted now as a video report.

You can view these reports (and all KRWG video) at the KRWG video archive on You Tube.

For more information send email to Judy.

Energy Efficiency Study

Senator Steve Fischmann of NM District 37, reported that a brand-new study shows how New Mexico can save money by implementing energy efficiency policies, keep money and jobs in the state, and avoid building any new utility plants. El Paso Electric and other NM power companies are already saying, “You’re asking too much. It can’t be done.”

The study is the work of the Energy Conservation and Management Division of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department.

For more information send email to Steve and visit ECMD online, where you can read the entire report and study the graphs.

Subscribe to Representative Pearce’s Newsletter

Cathy Leslie recommended signing up for Representative Pearce’s newsletter. It’s easy to do on his Web site. When you have the newsletter, you can check the facts and let Pearce know how you, a valued constituent, feel about his positions.

For more information send email to Cathy.

Thanks for Supporting the Children’s Reading Foundation

Terry Miller expressed heartfelt thanks to all who have supported the Children’s Reading Foundation as they begin their work in Doña Ana County.

For more information send email to Terry. Also, KRWG TV did a segment on the CRF kickoff.

PVA takes a break in July
Our next meeting will be
Thursday, August 25, 2011, 7 p.m.
Munson Senior Center
975 S. Mesquite