February 27, 2025

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Featured Presentation

This month we welcomed Pam Hett to outline the goals and actions of Indivisible Las Cruces. This grassroot movement started in 2017 and had 3 goals: elect progressive leaders, rebuild democracy, and defeat Trump’s agenda. In January, Indivisible Las Cruces was reconstituted and is pursuing these goals in 3 ways: 

  1. business meetings where people can discuss what’s happening in the nation/ NM and take action; 
  2. education that explores topics such as misinformation and disinformation, understanding the content of Project 2025 (produced by the Heritage Foundation) and how it’s shaping Trump’s agenda, and what happens if the U.S. pulls out of the United Nations; 
  3. community building by participating in fun events (making posters, taking art walks) 

Indivisible LC has formed committees for taking action: protesting, getting the word out through social media, immigration issues (i.e. supporting the work of NM CAFe), and more! 

To get involved, check out Indivisible on Facebook, and attend their meetings on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month from 2-4pm at the First Christian Church. 

For more information, email Pam at the Indivisible Las Cruces page on Facebook.

Unified Action

The Unified Action is a way for the PVA community to impact significant issues that affect Las Cruces, Doña Ana County, and the state of New Mexico. This month the unified action calls for participating in the Legislation Response Team. You will receive emails that describe a bill, background information on the bill, and the Representative or Senator you will call or email. You can simply ask them to please vote for this bill, or you can use the background information about the bill to strengthen your position. The emails always have a date when the email must reach the Representative/Senator. This is an easy way to bring the voices of Southern NM to the Roundhouse and you’ll learn what issues are being addressed. 

Interested? Email legislativeactionnm@gmail.com and say, “Sign me up!” (If you were on the list last year, you are still on it!). If you have suggestions for bills that the LRT should weigh in on, contact Cheryl Frank at cherella75@gmail.com.

“This is how Gandhi would do it!”

Jim Hoerst finds it problematic that the Doña Ana County Commission meetings open with a prayer; “what about separation of church & state?” he queried. Jim proposed a way to eliminate prayer at the beginning of County Commission meetings: call 575-525-2802 and say you’d like to sign up to give an invocation; then, when you do the invocation, instead of a religious prayer, ask for a moment of silence. He said if everyone at the February PVA meeting signed up, there would be no space for clergy to offer prayers. “This is how Gandhi would do it!” he explained.

For more information, call Jim @206-719-3225.

Support KTAL-LP, Las Cruces’ Community Radio 

Peter Goodman encourages all of us to propose a radio show on KTAL-LP. Visit www.lccommunityradio.org to learn all about the station. Volunteers and donations are very welcome!

For more information, contact Peter.

Upcoming immigration event 

Maria Flores provided important facts about immigration in the US, starting with the fact that the U.S. has the largest undocumented population. Arguing that we don’t need to choose between a secure border and a functional immigration system, Maria introduced a new framework, “A Better Way Forward” which (drumroll, please) was authored by her daughter, Andrea Flores. You can view the whole paper here. And there will be an immigration panel featuring Congresswoman Veronica Escobar – here are the details:

A Better Way Forward: A New Approach to Border Security
El Paso Community Foundation
333 N. Oregon St, across from San Jacinto Plaza
Monday, March 17, 11:30am

Free parking is available at the Mills parking garage (corner of Main and Oregon), please bring your ticket to validate. Please note: you need to RSVP for this event.

For more information, contact Maria.

Why can’t we get more doctors in New Mexico? 

Physicians providing health care in New Mexico and Doña Ana County, have started to take action to address our shortage of doctors. Jean-Pierre Reinhold, M.D., described the purpose of the Doña Ana County Medical Society as working to pass legislation that will eliminate two major roadblocks to practicing medicine in NM:

  1. SB176 supports malpractice reform that shifts medical malpractice from lawyer-centered to patient-centered; and, 
  2. SB295/HB344 call for the elimination of GRT tax on healthcare 

He encourages everyone to write to their representatives and senators; their names and emails can be accessed here.

For more information, contact Dr. Reinhold.

Democratic Party Elections start March 5–Get involved! 

Monica Gomez Taylor, chair of the Doña Ana County Democratic Party, encourages you to learn how the local Democratic Party runs, and consider running for precinct chair, ward chair, and so on. Click here to view the County Party Structure; you will see that the organization is a pyramid, starting with Doña Ana County Precincts (190), then Wards (7), Democratic Party of DAC, Democratic Party of NM, with DNC at the top. Elections for party officers and committee members for 2025-2027 will take place in March and April 2025, starting on March 5. 

For more information, contact Monica.

Become a Friend of the Thomas Branigan Memorial Library and buy books!

Sandy Katayanagi is now the Membership Chair of the Thomas Branigan Memorial Library and invites us to become members of Friends of the Library (for a modest $15)! The library has a book sale coming up on March 6-9, and also runs a bookstore in the library open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. The low price of books and DVDs encourages eager readers, and the funds generated by the sale of books supports many programs offered at the library.

For more information, contact Sandy.

Update on the City’s implementation of the new lead and copper rules

Lynn Moorer has been following up on the City’s new rules that require property owners to replace their lead pipes that bring drinking water to their property. For 3 months, citizens have been asking for 2 things: that the City send out the notification letter in Spanish, and that a public briefing by experts at a City Council meeting be convened for public participation. The 2 requests have not produced the response expected; in fact, a letter in Spanish was sent out, only to learn that Spanish speakers were directed to numerous websites, none of which were in Spanish! Lynn hopes citizens will join her in discussing these issues with the City Council. 

For more information, contact Lynn.

A follow up on the City’s drinking waters

Elisa Sanchez said that we should be calling our City Council to let them know that we need useful and accessible information about how to replace lead pipes. She believes that the Spanish letter that was sent out was not adequate. Elisa emphasized that we live in a minority/ majority state yet Latinx in NM are an invisible majority.

For more information, contact Elisa. 

Want to resist? Here’s a calendar for you!

Jan Thompson announced that she regularly publishes a calendar of resistance events. If you want to be added to the Resist LC email list, send your name and email address to janthompson0817@gmail.com. Contact Jan if you have an event you would like on the calendar (she does not include political party or candidate events).

For more information, contact Jan.

Weeds and justice

Recently, Jim Wilcox noticed someone in his yard, and when he asked what the man was doing, the man replied that Jim’s yard had noxious weeds (it was Codes Enforcement) so he was writing Jim a ticket for $500. Jim asked him which were the noxious and which were native plants, and the Codes inspector did not know. (By the way, native plants are adapted to the local climate and environment, while noxious weeds are plants that are not valued in a given area, per Google.) After Jim did some research, he found that Albuquerque has a document that identifies noxious and native plants. So when Jim arrived for the bench trial, he pointed out this problem and asked if the judge could tell the difference. The judge admitted he could not tell the difference between the weeds/plants in Jim’s yard. As a result, Jim’s rights were upheld and his fine was dropped! A lesson about weeds and constitutional rights!

For more information, contact Jim.

League of Women Voters explores the status of Women Studies

As a member of the League of Women Voters of Southern New Mexico, Judy Long invites those interested in the status of women’s studies to attend a scholarly study of women and feminism v patriarchy. Are Women’s Studies doomed? What are our future alternatives? 

Discussion on Women’s Studies and History (Free Event)
DACC Workforce Center, 2345 Nevada Ave.
Saturday, March 8, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Refreshments will be served.

For more information, contact Judy. Speaking of Judy Long, check this out

The Las Cruces Library Renovation & Expansion Project needs your support

Jamie Blair reported that the City of Las Cruces is included in two items on the State Legislative Funding Priorities related to the Library: funds to purchase a Bookmobile ($220,000) and funds for the initial phase of the LC Public Libraries Master Plan, which focuses on renovating the Thomas Branigan Memorial Library ($5.6 million). The total project will cost $16 million (in phases). The City has contributed $900,000 so your support is critical to this plan. Libraries are the cultural and social hub for community life in many cities, including Las Cruces and Doña Ana County, but given the population growth we do not have sufficient spaces. The Branigan Library was built in 1979 and the American Library Association estimates that our 44,266 square feet should be at least 112,000 square feet! Jamie asks that we contact our legislators and voice support for the Library expansion!

For more information, contact Jamie.

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Guillermo Acosta announced that the 2nd International Women’s Day will be celebrated for 3 days–March 7, 8, and 9 at Nopalitos (326 S. Mesquite St.)! All are welcome! Enjoy this Free Event: Food! Music! Lecture! Fun! Yoga! Maya Textile Pop-up Market!

For more information, contact Guillermo

Get out your sign-making materials! 

JoAnn Bingel announced that a protest of the Trump administration happened on Tuesday, March 4, at noon. She hoped all of us would participate in this peaceful resistance protest (with or without signs). A week ago there were 150-200 at a protest so we need to continue to show up so our voices can be heard. Connect with fiftyfifty.one, Indivisible, 5calls.org, and the Economic Black Out. 

For more information, contact JoAnn.

Update from Representative Doreen Gallegos 

Adam Sommers is Rep. Doreen Gallegos’ District Legislative Aide, and summarized the work she is pursuing to improve life in the district she serves. She has identified a number of critical projects throughout her district, and tapped funds to support several water projects as well as bringing solar lights for the county. She is also working on support for people experiencing homelessness, improving healthcare, and expanding the Early Childhood Trust. Among other projects, she is working on making quality cannabis available to her constituents. You can learn more about Rep. Gallegos’ legislative activities here.

For more information, contact Adam

Update from Representative Angelica Rubio (re: malpractice legislation)

Connie Chapman read a Position Statement by Representative Rubio (excerpt below):

Rep. Rubio writes that she’s receiving a lot of communication from folks urging her to sign on to the senate legislation re: the medical malpractice issue. She wants to let folks know that she will not be supporting [it], and provides her reasons why. She wrote that “…regular everyday working families, and those of need, are being pitted against one another. Despite what some reports claim, there’s no solid proof that our lack of doctors is because of lawsuits fears. Instead, what I have seen since I started in the legislature is our tax money is going into hospital coffers without much difference in the care we get in return. It’s worse knowing that many of our hospitals are now run by big out-of-state corporations, who always focus on their bottom line rather than patient safety and care, and with virtually zero transparency or accountability for their actions.” 

For more information, contact Connie or you can read/watch more from Rep. Rubio on her Instagram and TicTok pages.

Participate in the 24 Hour Economic Black Out

Ann Gutierrez wants to remind everyone to support the 24 hour Economic Black Out on Feb. 28 because Congress has done away with DEI hiring. Participating in the ongoing Economic Black Outs sends a strong message that we reject the elimination of DEI. More Economic Black Outs will continue through June. 

For more information, contact Ann.

Got plans for tonight? This is free!

Rene Romo recommends attending the following lecture: “National Imateclay Angechay Roadmap: A Research Frame for U.S. Agriculture, Forestry, and Working Lands.” This event promises new perspectives, and will suggest that knowledge and facts are apparently radical. Rene reminds us that supporting efforts to address climate change, including adaptation and mitigation, is part of the resistance.

Dr. Gene Kelly (Colorado State University)
Rio Grande Theater
Wednesday, 5 March 2025, 7 pm
Free and open to the public

For more information, contact Rene.

Contact Governor and AG about Ben Archer Clinic’s decision to deny care

Sylvia Ulloa and Ytzel Cano spoke about the situation at the Ben Archer Clinics. NM CAFe has discovered that Ben Archer is still requiring verification of citizenship for service, and they have recordings on social media. They are investigating how many people were turned away and have heard reports of people losing access to their insulin and other lifesaving medicine. Most people don’t visit their doctor with their birth certificate or passport.

NM CAFe is urging people to contact the AG’s office and the Governor’s office for an investigation to be opened. U.S. Representative Vasquez and Senator Heinrich have already called on the AG to do an investigation.

For more information, contact Sylvia or check out the Instagram page.

Make your voice heard about Elon

Bill McCamley invited all present to a protest that took place on Saturday March 1 at noon, as part of a nationwide effort called #teslatakedown. Bill is especially angry that the Federal administration has a plan to fire federal employees that provide critical care for veterans, and cut Medicare and Medicaid, so they can give a tax break to billionaires.

Bill added that DOGE and Elon Musk are driving Trump and the most effective way to get to Trump is to attack Elon; further, the only thing Elon understands is money. There is only one Tesla charging station in Las Cruces; it’s on the corner of Amador and Motel.

For more information, contact Bill.

Do you know a person with Parkinson’s?

Lynn Austin from the Las Cruces Parkinson’s Support Group, invited people with Parkinson’s Disease (and their caregivers) to come to their free meetings the 3rd Tuesday of every month.

For more information, contact Lynn.

Updates on solar bills

Rocky Bacchus spoke in support of two bills being proposed in the NM legislature:

HB 211 – Expands the New Solar Market Development Income Tax Credit in several ways

HB 213 –  Creates two separate tax credits for installing a photovoltaic system on public school property or the property of a public postsecondary educational institution for the purpose of providing electricity to the school’s or educational institution’s buildings in New Mexico 

Rocky reminded us that in the coming 12 months PNM is expected to increase electricity costs by 19% and double bills could be expected for 2026. Solar subsidies are still active for 2025.

For more information, contact Rocky.

Defending Realize Las Cruces

Cassie McClure, City Councilor District 1, expressed gratitude for PVAers who expressed their support via email and in-person for the zoning update known as Realize Las Cruces, which was passed by City Council.

Councilor McClure clarified that, contrary to local misinformation spread online, the new city code doesn’t get rid of single family homes. People are angry and aim to get 3240 signatures in the next 3 weeks to overturn the council’s decision and send it to the voters in November. She has written a longer post online and is happy to clarify if you know a person with questions.

Read more about Councilor McClure’s thoughts on Realize Las Cruces here and here.

For more information, contact Cassie.

Malpractice law is one of the problems

Jana Williams, a pediatrician and member of the Doña Ana County Medical Society, requested support to change malpractice insurance. Dr. Williams shared that one of the state representatives confessed to her that trial lawyers run Santa Fe and Williams’ experience trying to change healthcare law has made her feel that to be true.

Dr. Williams thinks these two bills below could make a big difference in keeping physicians here in NM (she shared how colleagues of hers live in Las Cruces but now practice in El Paso).

SB 176 – Changes malpractice payouts so patients receive 75% instead of 60% of a malpractice payout. Currently, an attorney gets 40% and it would change to 25%.

SB 295 – Removes the Gross Receipts Tax for some medical treatments.

For more info, contact Dr. Jana Williams.

Show support for women’s rights

Elisa Sanchez invited members to the League of Women Voters event to celebrate Women’s History Month:

Celebrate National Women’s History Month
Saturday, March 8th, at 2 PM
DACC Workforce Center on Nevada St. 

For more information, contact Elisa.

The value of community

Don Kurtz thanked the Las Cruces City Council for its 6-1 passage of the landmark Realize Las Cruces land development code and cited the importance of our Unified Action last month, when we emailed councilors to urge their support for that ordinance.  He also noted how good it is to gather in person, at PVA and Indivisible meetings, at 50.50.1 and anti-Tesla demonstrations, and everywhere else that we can feel and enjoy the strength of our shared community. 

For more information, contact Don.

PVA meets again:

Thursday, March 27, 7pm