Unified Action – March 2022

Support Affordable/Attainable Housing in Las Cruces

Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Southern New Mexico

The Issue

Shelter is a basic need like food and water. Las Cruces is experiencing a lack of affordable/attainable housing. When we invest in housing, we are helping families and children thrive, building a sustainable economy, and providing an opportunity for families to build wealth. 

In the November 8, 2022 general election, the City will ask voters to approve $23 million in GO Bonds to construct capital projects (brick and mortar).  The city is currently seeking public input on what projects to fund through a web-based survey and public input meetings. 

To learn more, visit the city’s GO Bond website.

And read the Las Cruces Sun News article here.

What we are asking

Complete the City’s web-based survey here and indicate your “strong support” for affordable housing initiatives for the City’s upcoming General Obligation Bond.  

When you have done the Action, please tell us, “I did it!