Unified Action – October 2015

Talk to 5 Friends about the November 3 Election

Sponsored by the PVA Executive Committee, pva@pva-nm.org

The issue

It’s important that we vote, but it’s also important that we advocate for candidates we believe in. This kind of advocacy is at the heart of the democratic process, and often a friend’s recommendation has tremendous influence on how we vote, especially in municipal elections.

These races will be won or lost by a very small number of votes. You can make a world of difference by talking to some of your friends who might not know who to vote for or where to vote.

What we are asking

The Unified Action this month is simple. To participate, you contact five friends and urge them to vote for the candidate or candidates you believe are most qualified to lead Las Cruces at this time.

Ideally, these are people who may not have made a decision and for whom your recommendation could make a difference.


  • The Municipal Election will be held TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2015
  • The following seats are up for election: Mayor, Councilor District 1, Councilor District 2, Councilor District 4, and Presiding Municipal Judge
  • Early voting is between October 7 and October 31 at City Hall.

On Tuesday, November 3, you may vote at any of the following
Voting Convenience Centers

  1. Branigan Library, 200 E. Picacho Ave.
  2. Doña Ana County Govt Center, 845 N. Motel
  3. East Mesa Recreation Center
  4. Frank O’Brien Papen Center, 304 W. Bell Ave.
  5. Good Samaritan, 3011 Buena Vida Cir.
  6. Henry Benavidez Center, 1045 McClure St.
  7. Meerscheidt Rec Center, 1600 E. Hadley Ave.
  8. DACC East Mesa Branch, 2800 N. Sonoma Ranch Blvd.
  9. Munson Senior Center, 975 S. Mesquite St.
  10. Rehab Hospital of So. NM, 4441 E. Lohman
  11. Newman Center, 2615 S. Solano
  12. Highland Elementary, 4201 Emerald Street
  13. Jornada Elementary, 3400 Elks
  14. Desert Hills Elementary, 280 Roadrunner Pkwy

For more information contact the city clerk’s office at (575) 541-2115.

Candidates listed below have attended a PVA meeting and asked for support

Candidates for Mayor

Ken Miyagishima
Contact info: visit the campaign Facebook page or mayorken.com

Candidates for City Councilor, District 1

Kasandra Gandara
Contact info: visit the campaign Facebook page or kasandraforlascruces.com

Candidates for City Councilor, District 2

Gregory Z. Smith
Contact info: visit the campaign Facebook page or gregoryzsmith.com

Philip VanVeen
Contact info: philipvanveen@gmail.com or visit the campaign Facebook page

Candidates for City Councilor, District 4

Jack Eakman 
Contact info: visit the campaign Facebook page or jackeakman.com