Unified Action – October 2014 – Get out the Vote for the 2014 General Election

Get out the Vote for the 2014 General Election

  1. Talk to 5 friends about the upcoming election
    Sponsored by the PVA Executive Committee, www.pva-nm.org
  2. Tell everyone to vote FOR Regional Transit
    Sponsored by the Alliance for a Better New Mexico (visit on Facebook)

The issue (#1)

Voting is essential to our democracy. It’s also important that we advocate for the candidates we believe in. A friend’s recommendation can have a big influence on how we vote.

Turnout will be low. Try to talk to friends and family members who might not normally vote and tell them which candidates you think they should vote for.

Encourage your friends to vote in this important election. Every vote makes a difference.

What we are asking (#1)

Urge 5 friends to vote for the candidates you believe are most qualified. See below for a list of candidates who have been to PVA to ask for support and visit the Doña Ana County Bureau of Elections to find answers to all your voting questions.

The issue (#2)

Voters in Doña Ana and Sierra counties will get to vote on the ballot question that would, if passed, expand needed bus and shuttle service across the region.

What we are asking (#2)

Tell everyone you know to vote FOR the regional transit question on the ballot.

Here is a sample letter that you can email to all the people in your personal network of friends and colleagues.

Dear Doña Ana and Sierra County Voters,

We need to vote FOR the small GRT tax increase for regional transit.

A well-integrated transit system will unite our region, get people to work and school, and be a platform for residents to be more independent and autonomous. Hundreds of people will travel the system every day to work, school, medical appointments, and grocery stores and pharmacies. We will be a modern community with real support for the people who live here.

Last year the Las Cruces bus system had a ridership of almost 800,000. Imagine what it would be with extended hours and service. Imagine special buses for area wine festivals. Imagine a shuttle bus from NMSU along El Paseo to downtown. Imagine the elderly and people with disabilities living more independently. All of this at a cost of less than 10 cents a day for the average family.

The no-tax people will be out in opposition, so it’s up to us to get this initiative passed.

Please forward this to your friends and families, and let them know you’re voting FOR regional transit on November 4th.

It’s something good we can do for our community.

Alliance for a Better New Mexico
(If you do Facebook, please go to our Facebook page where you can like the page, and share and comment on our postings.)
(If you need more information about regional transit in Southern New Mexico, go to the South Central Regional Transit District website: http://www.scrdt.org.

Candidates at PVA

The following candidates or their representatives have attended PVA meetings as of August 28 to ask for support. Reminder: PVA is nonpartisan and does not endorse candidates.

Running for U.S. Congress
Roxanne “Rocky” Lara (District 2). More information: www.larafornm.com

Running for New Mexico Secretary of State
Maggie Toulouse Oliver (statewide). More information: maggietoulouseoliver.com

Running for New Mexico State Auditor
Tim Keller (statewide). More information: www.timkellerfornewmexico.com/campaign

Running for Public Regulation Commission
Sandy Jones (District 5). More information: http://jones4prc.nationbuilder.com

Running for State Representative
Phillip Archuleta (District 36). More information: dist36@yahoo.com
Joanne Ferrary (District 37). More information: http://joanne4nm.com
Mariaelena Johnson (District 53). More information: www.mariaelenajohnson.com
Rodolpho “Rudy” Martinez (District 39). More information: www.rudymartineznm.com
Bill McCamley (District 33). More information: http://billmccamley.com
Jeff Steinborn (District 35). More information: www.jeffsteinborn.com

Running for Probate Judge
Diana Bustamante for Probate Judge. More information: dbustamante@319net.com

Running for Retention, New Mexico Third Judicial District Judge
Manuel “Mannie” Arrieta (Division 1). More information: mannieone@yahoo.com
Lisa Schultz (Division 5). More information: 575-640-1344
Marci Beyer (Division 2). More information: 575-621-1242, marci@marcibeyerlaw.com

Running for Magistrate Court Judge
Joel Cano (Division 6). More information: canoforjudge@gmail.com
Nelson Goodin (Division 1). More information: nelson.goodin@gmail.com
Samantha Madrid (Division 1). More information: www.samanthamadrid.com
Norman Osborne (Division 4). More information: nosborne48@aol.com
Conrad Perea (Division 2). More information: cfperea1@gmail.com
Beverly Singleman (Division 3). More information: bjsin@spInn.net
Kent Wingenroth (Division 5). More information: krwing80@comcast.net

Running for Doña Ana County Commission
Beth Bardwell (District 3). More information: bethbardwell4commissioner.com
Billy Garrett (District 1). More information: http://billyg4dac.com

Running for Doña Ana County Assessor
Andy Segovia. More information: andymesilla@gmail.com

Running for Doña Ana County Sheriff
Enrique “Kiki” Vigil. More information: kikivigilforsheriff2014.com/home