Unified Action – May 2014 – Talk to 5 Friends about June 3 Election

Talk to 5 Friends about the June 3 Election

Sponsored by the PVA Executive Committee

The issue

Voting is essential to our democracy. It’s also important to advocate for the candidates we believe in. A friend’s recommendation can have a big influence on how we vote, especially in races that don’t get a lot of media attention. Encourage your friends to vote in this important election–every vote makes a difference.

What we are asking

Urge 5 friends to vote for the candidates you believe are most qualified.

The following candidates or their representatives have attended PVA meetings to ask for support.

* candidates with an asterisk before their names have an opponent in the primary

Running for U.S. Congress
Roxanne “Rocky” Lara for U.S. Congress, District 2. More information: larafornm.com

Running for New Mexico Governor
* Howie Morales for Governor. More information: morales4nm.com
* Lawrence Rael for Governor. More information: raelfornewmexico.com
* Alan Webber for Governor. More information: alanfornm.com

Running for New Mexico Secretary of State
Maggie Toulouse Oliver for Secretary of State. More information: maggietoulouseoliver.com

Running for New Mexico State Treasurer
* John Wertheim for State Treasurer. More information: johnwertheim.com

Running for New Mexico State Auditor
Tim Keller for State Auditor. More information: timkellerfornewmexico.com/campaign

Running for Public Regulation Commission
* Sandy Jones for PRC, Dis 5. More information: sandyjones1@windstream.net

* Merrie Lee Soules for PRC, Dis 5. More information: soules4prc.com

Running for State Representative
Joanne Ferrary for State Representative, District 37. More information: joanne4nm.com
Bill McCamley for State Representative, District 33. More information: billmccamley.com
Jeff Steinborn for State Representative, District 35. More information: jeffsteinborn.com

Running for Probate Judge
* Diana Bustamante for Probate Judge. More information: dbustamante@319net.com

Running for Magistrate Court Judge
Joel Cano for Magistrate Judge, Division 6. More information: canoforjudge@gmail.com
Nelson Goodin for Magistrate Judge, Division 1. More information: nelson.goodin@gmail.com
Samantha Madrid for Magistrate Judge, Division 1. More information: samanthamadrid.com
* Norman Osborne for Magistrate Judge, Division 4. More information: nosborne48@aol.com
Conrad Perea for Magistrate Judge, Division 2. More information: cfperea1@gmail.com
Paul Rubino for Magistrate Judge, Division 3. More information: pauljrubinopl@gmail.com
* Beverly Singleman for Magistrate Judge, Division 3. More information: bjsin@spInn.net
* Rick Wellborn for Magistrate Judge, Division 4. More information: keepjudgewellborn.com
Kent Wingenroth for Magistrate Court, Division 5. More information: krwing80@comcast.net

Running for Dona Ana County Commission
Beth Bardwell for County Commission, District 3. More information: 575-418-0288
* Billy Garrett for County Commission, District 1. More information: billyg4dac.com
* Arturo Uribe for County Commission, District 1. More information: arturouribejr@gmail.com

Running for Dona Ana County Assessor
Andy Segovia for County Assessor. More information: andymesilla@gmail.com

Running for Dona Ana County Sheriff
* Curtis Childress for Sheriff. More information: curtischildressforsheriff.com
* Ken Roberts for Sheriff. More information: kenroberts4sheriff.com
* J.R. Stewart for Sheriff. More information: jr0141@aol.com
* Enrique “Kiki” Vigil for Sheriff. More information: kikivigilforsheriff2014.com

When and Where to Vote

The Doña Ana County Clerk’s excellent website will answer all your questions about when and where to vote, and will give you a list of all the candidates.