Unified Action – March 2014 – On April 8 Vote Against the Mill Levy

On April 8 Vote Against the Mill Levy

Sponsored by the Southwest Environmental Center, http://www.wildmesquite.org

The issue

The Doña Ana Soil and Water Conservation District wants to raise your property taxes to support its radical political agenda. This is a group with an anti-environmental, anti-public lands and anti-wildlife agenda. Go to http://thewesterner.blogspot.com/2012/10/joe-delk-presentation.html to read a blog by the chairman and here to read the group’s resolutions.

You can vote NO on this referendum on April 8.

A detailed explanation of the issue can be found at http://www.wildmesquite.org/.

There will be very low voter turnout for this referendum. You can make a world of difference by talking to people who might not know about this issue. Please talk to 5 friends and family members in Doña Ana County and let them know where to vote NO on Tuesday, April 8.

Please see the flyer March 2014 SWEC Flyer for polling places and more information. Forward the flyer to your friends and please encourage them to vote NO on Tuesday, April 8!

What we are asking

Go to the polls on Tuesday, April 8, and
vote against the proposed mill levy 

tell five friends about the election 
and urge them to do the same.