Reach out to the people in your Personal Influence Network and urge them to vote YES on the Las Cruces GO Bonds & Recall Reform Amendments in the Las Cruces Special Election
Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Greater Las Cruces,
The Issue
Voting is essential to our democracy. A friend’s recommendation can have a big influence on how we vote.
Even if you don’t live in Las Cruces, encourage your network of friends (many of whom do live in the City of Las Cruces or know others who do) to vote YES on the issues in this important election – every vote makes a difference.
The special election will be conducted by mail only, and ballots will be sent out July 24 and must be received by the county clerk’s office, in person or by mail, by 7 pm on Tuesday, August 21.
From the City website:
The City of Las Cruces held a series of public input meetings and opportunities to prepare projects for a General Obligation Bond election to be held in August. After hundreds participated in providing feedback through meetings or emails several projects were initially presented for a public survey and project scoping. Four bond questions have been proposed and can be viewed here. All of the projects have aspects addressing concerns from our citizens and each helps to meet the needs of our city.
The Las Cruces City Council adopted a resolution on June 4, 2018 that calls for a $35.6 million general obligation bond election, and proposed amendments to the Las Cruces City Charter regarding recall provisions.
The special municipal election will run from Tuesday, July 24 through Tuesday, August 21, and will be conducted by mail-in ballot. A change in state statutes, approved earlier this year by the New Mexico Legislature, requires the election to be conducted by mail. The election will be open to all registered voters living within the Las Cruces city limits. City residents who want to vote in the special election will have until 5:00 PM, July 24, 2018 to register in person at the Doña County Clerk’s Office, at the Doña Ana County Government Center, 845 N. Motel Boulevard, or until 11:59 PM July 24, 2018 at the Doña County Clerk’s Website.
Accessible voting is available. Contact the County Clerk’s Office at 575-647-7428.
Quick Links:
Note – this election will be conducted by mail
Information about the GO bonds: what they will cover and how much they cost
New language for City Charter that would reform recall process (see especially Section 8:10)
Fact sheet on Recall Reform prepared by Las Crucens Against the Recall