Unified Action – May 2017

Support the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument

Sponsored by the Friends of Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks

The issue

Our National monuments are under attack. These places define our history, culture, and our communities.

In an unprecedented move, on April 26, President Trump signed an executive order threatening 21 years of national monument designations, including the protection of Organ Mountains–Desert Peaks.

A public comment period for Monument Review runs May 12 to July 10, 2017.

What we are asking:

Go to the following website: https://organmountainsdesertpeaks.org/take-action/

Voice your support for our monument. For example, you might write,

“I support the Organ Mountains Desert Peaks National Monument in its entirety; I want to protect the historic, cultural and biological resources in the Petrillos, Las Uvas, Robledo, and Dona Ana mountains. I am firmly opposed to any effort to revoke or diminish protections for National Monuments and I urge you to support our public lands and waters and recommend that our national monuments remain protected.”