PVA Meeting Recap – February 24, 2005

Of special note at the February 24 meeting:

I. Renee Murray detailed plans for a very powerful Peace Rally on March 19, the anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

  • Peace March and Rally
  • Saturday, March 29
  • Young Park
  • 2 pm
  • For more information, or if you would like to help in the planning, contact
  • Renee Murray
  • 532-0858
  • reneemurray75@aol.com

II. Dallas Bash conducted a training for participation in Democratic Party precinct meetings.

  • Democratic Precinct Meetings
  • Tuesday, March 22
  • Various locations

PVA members are organizing over 30 separate precincts. John Nelson and Judy Zimmerman will send an email invitation to 750 former Kerry volunteers, inviting them to participate in precinct meetings. Ann Rohovec is coordinating the calling of an additional 500 former volunteers, with a similar invitation. Among other things, these invitations will remind former volunteers that the 2004 campaign was only a beginning!

If you would like to be involved in the overall efforts, or if you would like more information about your own precinct, contact

  • Dallas Bash
  • 524-1547
  • dallas_bash@zianet.com (dallas_bash)

III. The group was formally named the Progressive Voter Alliance, with the following (provisional) mission statement: To unite various allied interests into a powerful force to elect progressive candidates and positively influence progressive legislation.

The group also authorized the development of a PVA website, to serve as a communication center for the organization and as a portal for people interested in joining our work.

If you would like to participate in developing proposals for the vision, organization, and activities of the PVA, contact

  • Don Kurtz
  • 521-4832
  • donkurtz@nmsu.edu

IV. Since this organization is an alliance of many different interests, brought together to exercise our combined political power, much of the PVA’s work takes place in individual working groups, listed below. If you would like to find out more about any group’s work, or if you want to be included in its next meeting, please contact the person listed.


Building Alliances **New Group** (especially across racial and ethnic lines)

  • Ann Gutierrez
  • 521-4832
  • egutierr@nmsu.edu

Organizing a March 19 Rally Against the Iraq War

  • Renee Murray
  • 532-0858
  • reneemurray75@aol.com

Organization of Progressive Voters on the Precinct Level

  • Dallas Bash
  • 524-1547
  • dallas_bash@zianet.com (dallas_bash)

State Issues

  • Beth Bardwell
  • 522-5065
  • bethbardwell@zianet.com

Local Environmental and Quality of Life Issues

  • Janet Darrow
  • 527-0385
  • JdarrowinM@aol.com

Establishing an Alternative to Hate Radio in the Mesilla Valley

  • Rus Bradburd
  • 527-2477
  • coachrus@hotmail.com

Securing the Vote

  • Marc Robert
  • 524-4545
  • mrrobert87@msn.com

Understanding Where Local Efforts Fit into the Global Picture

  • Chris Hines
  • 541-5632
  • cmhbw99@hotmail.com

Establishing an Organizational Structure for the Progressive Voter Alliance

  • Don Kurtz
  • 521-4832
  • donkurtz@nmsu.edu
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