Unified Action – August 2012 – Support Medicaid Expansion

Sponsored by Health Action 4 NMCenter on Law & Poverty, and NM CAFé
For more information call Sarah Nolan at 575-520-1624

When you have finished this action, please send an “I did it!” to unifiedaction@pva-nm.org.

What we are asking

Call the Governor on Friday, August 24, and say,
“Governor, don’t leave Medicaid money on the table. We can make New Mexico healthier, generate economic activity, and create new jobs. Support the Medicaid opportunity!”

Here’s the number to call: 505-476-2200

The Issue

Starting in 2014, Medicaid can be provided to every low-income adult under 138% of the poverty level, including low wage workers and people who have recently lost their jobs. But Governor Martinez is undecided about whether to take this opportunity with Medicaid even though doing so would cost New Mexico nothing and get healthcare for nearly every low-income New Mexican. The federal government will pay for the full cost of Medicaid for three years and then pay for 90% of the cost after that. The state would then be responsible for the other 10 cents on the dollar, but these costs will be more than covered by the ripple effect of over $6 billion federal dollars coming into the state, generating tens of thousands of new healthcare jobs and business revenues.  We must let the Governor know that New Mexicans want coverage for all low-income people. Ask her to seize the Medicaid opportunity!

Relevant links about the issue:
1. http://www.nmvoices.org/archives/2181
2. http://nmpovertylaw.org/WP-nmclp/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Flyer-Preserve-Medicaid-Put-People-First-2011-08-01.pdf

Upon completion of this action, please email unified action at pva-nm.org to tell us “I did it!”