Unified Action – September 2011 – Be Involved in the City Election

Sponsored by the PVA Executive Committee
For more information send email to Cheryl Frank

Upon completion of this action, please send an email saying “I did it” to unified action@pva-nm.org.

The issue

There are important campaigns this fall in Doña Ana County and the state of New Mexico and many excellent progressive candidates. There is no alternative to personal involvement if we care about the outcome of the 2010 elections. Your contribution will make the difference in our county and in our state.

What we are asking

1. volunteer time for a candidate or campaign-related activity
2. make a contribution to a candidate of your choic

The following candidates or their representatives have attended PVA meetings to ask for support.

Dolores Connor for Mayor

For more information about Dolores go to doloresconnorformayor.wordpress.com
To volunteer for Dolores’s campaign, email Bill Connor at wconnor_nm@hotmial.com or call him at 575-649-4784.
Donations may be sent to Dolores Connor for Mayor, c/o Pat Bellestri, Treasurer, 142 Lytton Circle, Las Cruces, NM 88001 (or you can donate via the Web site).

Michael Ray Huerta for Mayor

For more information about Michael or to volunteer, go to michaelrayhuerta.com
Donations may be sent to Michael Huerta for Mayor c/o Jess Williams, 518 N. Miranda, Las Cruces, NM 88005 (or you can donate via the Web site).

Ken Miyagishima for Mayor

For more information about Ken, go to: mayorken.com
To volunteer for Ken’s reelection campaign, email Pat Aguirre at patricia.ann.aguirre@gmail.com or call her at 575-532-5127.
Donations may be sent to People for Ken Miyagishima-Mayor, P.O. Box 6967, Las Cruces, NM 88006 (or you can donate via the Web site).

Charlie Scholz for City Council, District 2

For more information about Charlie, go to www.charlieforcitycouncil.com
To volunteer for Charlie’s campaign, email Jane Asche at janeasche@comcast.net or Nancy Anderson at nanderson@zianet.com.
Donations may be sent to Charlie Scholz for City Council, c/o David Carlson, 1837 Salinas, Las Cruces, NM 88011 (or you can donate via the Web site).

Miguel Silva for City Council, District 1

For more information about Miguel or to volunteer for his reelection campaign, send an email to him at miguel@basuraman.com or call him at
Donations may be sent to Committee to Reelect Miguel G. Silva, 628 E. Organ Ave., Las Cruces, NM 88001.

Nathan Small for City Council, District 4

For more information about Nathan, or to volunteer for Nathan’s reelection campaign, send an email to Xochi at xochitltorres@gmail.com or call her at 575-496-5782.
Donations may to sent to Nathan Small for City Council, c/o Doug Brown,
2033 Vista Lejano, Las Cruces NM 88005

Gregory Smith for City Council, District 2

For more information about Gregory, go to gregoryzsmith.com/Gregory_Z._Smith
To volunteer for his campaign, you can email Gregory at gszeu@aol.com or call
him at 575-202-5654.
Donations may be sent to The Gregory Z. Smith Campaign, 402 W. Manso Ave, Las Cruces, NM 88005.