January 23, 2025

Featured Presentation

This month, the featured presentation addressed the work of the Border Servant Corps with the goal of building community support for the Border Resiliency & Contingency Fund Act. This act would provide funding to continue the humanitarian infrastructure that has been supported by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) since 2019. In the last 5 years Southern New Mexico has made significant strides with the help of $30 million in federal funds. This has made it possible to welcome and support 200,000 migrants released from the El Paso sector. But last Monday, the new Administration made the DHS funds inaccessible. This puts the organization in a make-or-break moment for New Mexico. If we want NM to remain a beacon of hope, state funding becomes indispensable. Reach out to Representatives Angelica Rubio and Patricia Roybal Caballero, the sponsors of this bill, as well as Representative Joanne Ferrary. 

For more information, contact Kari Lenander, Executive Director of Border Servant Corps.

Unified Action for January

Don Kurtz reminded us of the purpose of the PVA Unified Action, which is to bring our full collective force behind important initiatives.  Advanced by community organizations, Unified Actions invite us to take a simple action (often to send an email in support of legislation or an initiative of some kind) even if it may not be our individual top priority, and to do it unless we disagree politically, morally or strategically with what the Action is trying to accomplish.  These Unified  Actions have been very successful in getting important initiatives passed or advanced over the years.  You should have received the January Unified Action in your email box; it is also available here

Beth Bardwell, representing the League of Women Voters of Southern New Mexico, explained this month’s Unified Action. On February 18, the City Council will vote on Realize Las Cruces Land Development and Zoning Code. The purpose of January’s Unified Action is to show the mayor and council that you support “Realize Las Cruces.” Your message is critical because there is opposition to the new land development and zoning codes. You do not need to worry that these changes in land and zoning codes will change our ways of life. Developers will continue to build single family houses if that’s what buyers want. 

Development patterns can influence the long-term solvency of a city and prosperity of its residents. Our current land use and zoning code is almost a half-a-century old. If we want our City to continue to be inviting and livable, we need to bring the cost of housing down, increase the variety and type of housing for all of our residents, promote infill and walkability, and reduce sprawl and congestion.

If we adopt the proposed changes to our land use and zoning code in Realize Las Cruces, we can continue to build a city that embraces all of us in a fiscally and socially responsible way.

For more information, email Beth Bardwell.

Support the Border Resiliency & Contingency Fund Act!

Jennifer Kreie is a volunteer for Border Servant Corps, as well as a board member. She is asking everyone to contact your state representative and senator today and encourage them to support the Border Resiliency & Contingency Fund Act to ensure that New Mexico remains a beacon of hope and humanity!

The Border Servant Corps believes that every person deserves dignity, the essentials of life–food, clothing, shelter, and a pathway to self sufficiency. With the sudden withdrawal of federal support, this is our one chance to ensure NM resiliency.

For more information, email Jennifer Kreie.

Can’t Find a Doctor? You’re Not Alone

Dr. John Andazola and Dr. Jana William pointed out that the main reason we can’t find doctors in New Mexico is due to the high cost of malpractice insurance and the GRT, both of which increase the cost of health care. Check out the Think NM website and ThinkNM report (How to Solve New Mexico’s Healthcare Shortage). Did you know that from 2017 to 2021 30% of primary care physicians left New Mexico? This loss is due to policies in our state that need to change! Speak out! Contact your Representative and Senator and let them know your story.

For more information, email Dr. Andazola and/or Dr. Jana William.

Volunteer for KTAL Community Radio!

Claire Neal-Wallace (Vice-President of the KTAL Board!) encouraged us to volunteer for the KTAL community radio station. Check out ways to donate or volunteer here. She also announced the upcoming KTAL fundraiser. See you there!

KTAL Fundraiser
February 15 from 3-6pm
KTAL-LP Studios
121 Wyatt Dr., #9, Las Cruces, NM

For more information, email Claire Neal-Wallace.

Caring for our LGBTQ community

Las Cruces City Councilor Becky Corran spoke out and encouraged all of us to check in on our LGBTQ friends so they know they are valued and supported. She also encouraged PVA and our circle of friends to support Realize Las Cruces so we not only expand housing but support and sustain communities over time.

For more information, contact Becky.

Tune into KTAL!

Peter Goodman is excited for the upcoming KTAL Fundraiser. He hopes to see you there! You can check out Speak Up Las Cruces, which Peter often hosts, on Wednesday mornings:

Speak Up Las Cruces:
Wednesdays from 8-10am
Wednesdays from 2-4pm, rebroadcast

For more information, email Peter.

One Billion Rising: Strike| Dance |Rise!

On February 14, 2025, join Dr. Diana Bustamante to rise up and demand an end to violence against women and all forms of violence. 

One Billion Rising
New American School Parking Lot
207 S. Main St., Las Cruces, NM 88001

This is a family event, everyone is invited, take a stand to stop all forms of   violence! Diana said, “Come ready to dance!” Learn more about “One Billion Rising” at http://www.onebillionrising.org.

For more information, email Diana.

Singing Out Las Cruces Concerts

George Moscona announced that Singing Out had two concerts this past weekend at St. Paul’s Methodist Church. The concert was called, “And the Winner Is…”

Keep an eye out for Singing Out’s next concerts!

For more information, email George.

Does the water you drink come from lead or galvanized pipes?

As you know, there’s no safe level of lead in drinking water. Last October, the US EPA issued a new Lead and Copper Rule, which requires water agencies to ensure that all piping made from lead is removed within 10 years. Lynn Moorer received a letter from Las Cruces Utilities last October to let her know that they do not know what her service line pipes are made of and that she’s responsible for replacing any lead or galvanized pipe on her property. There are numerous concerns and unanswered questions. A group of citizens has been asking for a public briefing at the City Council meeting that is livestreamed and recorded, with ample opportunity for questions and comments from the public.

For more information, email Lynn Moorer.

For the Love of Community Radio

Secretary of the KTAL Community Radio Board, Maria Flores, reiterated that KTAL is having a big fundraiser. You can meet your favorite host or appear live on air! For a $10 donation you can dedicate a song to someone! “When was the last time you dedicated a song to your love?” asked Maria.

KTAL Fundraiser
February 15 from 3-6pm
KTAL-LP Studios
121 Wyatt Dr., #9, Las Cruces, NM

For more information, contact Maria.

Show Up for Immigrants

Mayor Pro Tem Johana Bencomo made it clear that, for her, the issue of immigration is deeply personal. She is committed to the dignity of people, emphasizing that immigrants are not just workers but people who love their families, their children, and have dreams. Johana hopes we will keep showing up at City Council meetings and acknowledge the dignity of immigrants.

For more information, email Johana.

Thomas Jefferson’s “A Nation of Immigrants”

Jim Hoerst has been reading the work of Thomas Jefferson and believes it is relevant to the challenges we face in this time and space: We hold these words to be self-evident that all men [sic] are created equal … and among them are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Jim asked what happiness means if you can’t cross a border and seek out the best opportunities. Also, Jefferson wrote a letter in 1822 that included this thought: “…with such persons gullibility which they call faith takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck.”

For more information, email Jim.

HR 13 is good for the environment but needs to be revised

Steve Fischmann asked everyone to support HB 13, which he believes is on the right side and will be a good environmental policy that will increase the use of electricity rather than gas. However, this bill is in danger of utility profiteering, which would be terrible for consumers. Please write the sponsors of this bill when the legislation response team reaches out to you. 

For more information, email Steve.

Wanted: Game & Fish Reform

In NM, we cherish wildlife, which is deeply tied to cultural traditions and helps sustain our $3.2 billion outdoor recreation economy through hunting, fishing, birdwatching and more. Keven Bixby is supporting SB5, a bill that would create a reform package to give NM Department of Game & Fish tools, authority, and funding to build a 21st century wildlife management system for future generations. 

For more information, contact Kevin.

The Thomas Branigan Memorial Library now has a book store!

The next time you visit the library, stop and see what Bearto’s Book Den has for you! Sandy Katayanagi, who is a volunteer with the Friends of the Thomas Branigan Memorial Library, wants everyone to know that the library now has a book store that’s open from 10am-4pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Funds from all books purchased will be used to support the free resources (e.g., Computer Lab) the library offers. Check out this Facebook page for news and notifications of Author Talks.

For more information, email Sandy.

Deny Renewal of the Border Dump Permit

The Border Dump Permit serves El Paso and Southern Doña Ana, but Shannon Reynolds, Doña Ana County Commissioner, reported that this permit violates the US and NM Border agreement which does “not allow dumps within 100 meters of the Border which violate hazardous material laws.” Shannon wants to deny renewal of the Border Dump Permit. He asks us to write to NMED, Sunland Park, Doña Ana Commission, South Central Solid Waste, and CRRWA, and say, “Please deny the renewal permit.”

For more information, email Shannon Reynolds.

Marching in solidarity

Jan Thompson wanted to know why more of us did not participate in the People’s March last Saturday. She was very disappointed that so few people were there. In past years, Jan organized these events but she passed the project to a friend who did her best to organize the march but not many of us attended. Jan reminded us that we can’t resist by sitting at home! Jan asserted that we’re a community and we must protest what is happening with the new administration.

For more information, contact Jan.

It’s easier than ever to track bills in the legislature!

Abraham Sanchez works with the Center for Civic Policy, an organization committed to creating a more inclusive democracy for New Mexicans. He advised us to become very familiar with the website for tracking bills in New Mexico: nmlegis.gov. Go to “Legislature” and then scroll down until you see “My Roundhouse.” This will allow you to keep track of the bills that interest you. Abraham is especially interested in the bills focused on modernizing the legislature, including one bill that supports salaries for legislators.

For more information, contact Abraham.

ProgressNow (New Mexico) Seeks Support for Climate Bills

Melissa Cervantes is the Energy & Environmental Communications Manager with ProgessNow New Mexico. Her focus is the Clear Horizon Act and she encourages all of us to contact our Representatives and Senators and tell them to vote yes on SB4, SB48, SB49, and SB83

For more information, email Melissa.

The Legislative Response Team is back for 2025!

Cheryl Frank announced that you can participate with PVA’s Legislative Response Team, to support or oppose bills as they make their way through the legislative process. You will receive an email that tells you which legislator to contact and whether you want them to vote yes or no on a specific bill. Interested? Email legislativeactionnm@gmail.com and say, “Sign me up!” (If you were on the list last year, you are still on it!). If you have suggestions for bills that the LRT should weigh in on, contact Cheryl.

For more information, email Cheryl.

PVA meets again:
Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 7pm
Munson Senior Center, Las Cruces

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