Unified Action – August 2010 – Curbside Recycling in Las Cruces

Support Curbside Recycling in Las Cruces

Sponsored by Al & Terri McBrayer, The Recycle Couple
For more information send email to Al and Terri or call them at 575-541-9667

The Issue

Curbside recycling is almost here, at long last. HOWEVER, the city councilors are waiting to see if there is strong public support for curbside recycling. They are holding a public input meeting on Monday, August 30, at 680 N. Motel Blvd. Room 225, at 6 pm. Discussion will include recycling fee options.

It is crucial that supporters of curbside recycling make a strong showing at this meeting.

What We Are Asking

Attend the public input meeting*
Monday, August 30, 6 p.m.
680 N. Motel Blvd., Room 225 (Joint Utilities Center) MAP
Wear green!
*If you can’t attend the meeting, find a friend to go in your stead.


Send an email to the mayor and city council at CityCouncil@las-cruces.org and let them know that you support curbside recycling in Las Cruces.

Upon completion of this action, please send an email saying “I did it” to unified action at pva-nm.org.

For More Information

The Sun-News has an article about the public input meeting here including information about the fee schedule. Read the comments for an idea of the opposition to curbside recycling. (Free access to the article will expire on September 7.)

The Southwest Solid Waste Authority
The South Central Solid Waste Authority is the city/county agency responsible for handling solid waste and recyclables in Las Cruces and Doña Ana County. The Web site has complete information about what and where to recycle.

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