Dear friends, We had an excellent meeting last Thursday night of the Progressive Voter Alliance. After a very engaging activity led by the Building Alliances committee, we heard reports from a number of groups currently active in the community, and proposals for new groups on a variety of issues. A summary of those groups and the names of their contact people are included below in the attachment called PVA working groups. In addition, 45 of us signed an agreement to join each month’s Unified Action, in which we unite our political strength behind a single issue. The terms of that agreement are below in an attachment called Unified Action Agreement. We hope everyone will join us in signing the agreement, something you will soon be able to do on the PVA web site, which we hope to have up and running in May. All who sign the agreement will get a special Unified Action email from the PVA each month, in addition to meeting announcements. This month’s Unified Action is to let City Councillors know of our support for curbside recycling, and to thank them for their decision to include weekly pickup in the upcoming pilot program. It would be good if the city could also include plastic and tin in that pilot program, and incorporate an educational component so that residents understand the importance of their participation. Details of how you can participate in this month’s action are below in the attachment called Unified Action – recycling. The PVA thanks Jeff Steinborn of the CURB Coaltion, who briefed us on the recycling Unified Action at the meeting. The next PVA meeting will be:
The PVA Executive Committee meets the second Tuesday of the month, and its next meeting will be at 5:30 pm, Thursday, May 12th, at the Mesilla *Park* Community Center (not the Mesilla Community Center) in Room #7. Everyone is welcome. Thanks, Don PVA Working GroupsOrganizing Support for Staff Trying to Organize a Union at NMSU
Bringing a Nationally Prominent Speaker to Las Cruces/Fundraiser for Jeff Bingaman
Progressive Democrat Caucus at State Level
Phone Bank to Identify Progressive Activists in Doña Ana County
Coalition to Replace Steve Pearce as US Representative
Curbside Recycling in Las Cruces
Building Allliances
Local Environmental and Quality of Life Issues
The Big Picture
State Issues
Establishing an Alternative to Hate Radio in the Mesilla Valley
Executive Committee
In addition, Aletta Wilson expressed concern about the recent events in the Las Cruces Public Schools, especially the administration of the current superintendent. She provided contact information for the school board members, and can be reached at 526-5058, for more information. Horace Coburn also presented alarming information about chemical contamination of the Las Cruces Water supply. For more information, contact him at 524-0537, . |